Wow, he does have a way with words .. thanks for the name share.
"The dark rock of high Castles re-form into bridges that propel the soul into new, and formerly invisible kingdoms." ARCHAIX - The Way Out Is In
Because Hunter would never do such a sleazy thing like sleeping with and corrupting the underage Malia.
Makes me question is Elon really the Billionaire CEO he presents as? Or just another front man, spokes-actor?
We know Bill Gates was installed by his daddy Bill Sr. He is creepy, perverted, megalomaniacal. Not an actual CEO genius in any regard.
We now know Mark Z is a Rockefeller. Installed, not smart. Possibly a lizard in a skin suit. Married to a Chinese handler.
Bill Clinton was groomed by GHWB, Mr CIA. Pervy nose powder fan, not a leader of men.
Sanctioned grooming confirmed