Simpleton9 2 points ago +3 / -1

They have no choice. The deep state is coming for their way of life along with everyone else.

Simpleton9 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point I'm convinced no planes hit the World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon, or crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. But this IS the question. What happened to those four planes, crew, and passengers?

Simpleton9 4 points ago +4 / -0

What you like, interest, hobbies, clothes, does not determine your biological sex. I really want to ask a transgender what makes them think they are a gender different than their biological sex. Men love to cook, sew, arrange flowers. Women love to play sports, work in finance, be a police officer. In 100 years, if you dig up a transgender, no one will know they were transgender. Their anatomy will clearly indicate that they were male or female. There are only two genders.

Simpleton9 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a fantastic documentary. It starts a little slow but quickly picks up steam and gets better and better. Well worth the watch. If you know someone who is having trouble waking up, send this to them.

Simpleton9 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a fantastic documentary. It starts a little slow but quickly picks up steam and gets better and better. Well worth the watch. If you know someone who is having trouble waking up, send this to them.

Simpleton9 45 points ago +45 / -0

This is how we get our country back. Everyone below the elite level (local, state, federal government) must stop following unconstitutional directives. The law of the US starts with our Constitution. Any law or mandate that conflicts with our (the people's) Constitution is null and void.

Bernalillo sheriff won’t comply with temporary New Mexico gun ban. “I have reservations regarding this order. The temporary ban challenges the foundation of our Constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold.”

The people serving in the boarder patrol must stop listening to Mayorkas. We have established laws, passed by congress, regarding US boarder policy. Noone in the Executive branch has any authority to direct our boarder patrol to ignore those laws.

Simpleton9 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first speaker says "just like pedophiles, we are not responsible for our feelings. We do not choose them. But, we are responsible for our actions." Since we are responsible for our actions it makes since that pedophiles should be responsible for their actions. I have no problem being held responsible for my actions should I encounter a pedophile touching a child.

Simpleton9 1 point ago +1 / -0

This problem is easily solved. Why is there a discussion? No discussion. Immediately send her to the principals office. The principal calls mom or dad to come pick up their daughter. That's right mom and dad, now you have to leave work to come pick up your child who isn't following the rules. The way you parent is to set boundaries (rules). Communicate those rules. Kids are going to push the boundaries. Which should be met with immediate consequences. No discussion, no counting, no time out, boom, consequence. And, I know, the parents are part of the problem. So mom and dad have to be held accountable too. If junior is a problem at school then that should cause a problem for mom and dad. Hold the parents accountable.

Simpleton9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why did it take this long to award the Medal of Honor to Capt. Larry Taylor?

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