SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the deal with focusing on negative leftist talking points on a pro Trump and Q board?

We are against people that literally traffick, mutilate, diddle and sacrifice children and you're worried about a dick joke?

You're either beyond naive or here with ill intentions that will no doubt glow brighter as time goes on.


SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

My bet is that he gets over 100m votes when we learn the true count after they pull their bullshit and the military steps in.

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is absolutely awesome but don't let this be a crutch. Make sure we all get out and VOTE. Damned be the people who think they don't have to after they see stuff like this and think he's got it in the bag. Get out and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's black hats, then this is their play....BUT, this could also be the white hats play to STOP the steal. Only time will tell.

SkiSkiUSMC 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lmao dominion voting machines are full of bugs, can be hacked easily and are responsible for massive amounts of fraud in 2020. Sue me? Sue me for what? We all own nothing and are happy remember dominion? 🤣

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

There should be no other law of the land of the United States other than our own law, period. They want sharia? Then they go home.

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd say it depends on the perspective. The way I look at it, with the Q post telling us Russia, Xi, NK all working together with Trump, I would say Russia is doing exactly what it was supposed to do this whole time.

SkiSkiUSMC 7 points ago +7 / -0

Based off your other comments, your intentions on this board are even more obvious.


SkiSkiUSMC 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always love a good datefagging. I can't wait for the finale to this movie!!!

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, when someone takes a bullet for us, it's the least we can do to show support.

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did I hear that right? They're upset because they're voting demonrat and it's switching to republican? What's a matter? That's a bullshit conspiracy theory right there little lefties? That didn't happen right? We ONLY have fair elections right? Not so fucken funny when it happens to you dipshits now is it?

Get ready for the salt to flow liberals. No matter what yall try to pull, NCSWIC.

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +1 / -0

He feels a ton better overall. Hopefully he doesn't give up and keeps with the protocol for a little longer. At least give it another month. He's got nothing to lose from taking vitamins.

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah the njp and page 11's let them know no matter what they wanted me to study, I was gonna ask questions and think for myself.

I also have zero social media so my question was genuine.

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, time for the update.

He followed the protocol very strictly. Also cleaned up his diet and incorporated fasting. He only ate from 12-5 each day, 1800 calories, very clean eating. He just got the results back after doing this for the last 4 weeks and I'm sad to say that his calcium numbers actually went up 7 points. He did not get better. We're going to look into another dye test to see how the blockages are doing and if there was any improvement there that maybe just wasn't reflected in the numbers.

On the positive side though, thanks to the fasting and clean eating, he has lost 15lbs this past month. Hopefully he stays on this healthier lifestyle and doesn't revert back to his old ways.

SkiSkiUSMC 16 points ago +16 / -0

Get in shape, train hard, stock up, always be prepared for plan B. That said, have faith in God, have faith in Trump, have faith in Q and hold the line. There is going to be some sketchy shit that happens but do not do anything stupid. Stay calm. Don't fall for any honeypots. Keep your head on a swivel.

We are all in this together and must look out for each other to keep us all levelheaded and calm. DO NOT ACT unless told to do so by Q or GEOTUS. They want us weak, they want us divided, they want us angry and most of all, they want to use all that as an excuse to throw us all in jail. Don't give them the opportunity. WWG1WGA!

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