Fuck that slow shit I push it as far as it can and watch them settle at a further point then they would have otherwise. When people get mad that I wont put amask on I dont coddle their feelings I tell them straight up virsues are not contagious and watch them spazz out. I remember when my sister came to visit with a mask on like 1 month into the first lockdowns and She said something and im like “lol there is no virus” she freaked
How can viruses do what you say they have no nucleus google viruses are solvents. If you check out my submitted ull find the video that debunks viruses. Once you understand that all medicine is poison and that the human body is 99% bacteria and that flus are just detoxes initiated by the body itself you will understand why when you take toxic pharma drugs it forces ur body to stop the “symptoms” of disease you had which was actually healthy detox now youve poisoned urself and ur flu goes away pretty much instantly cuz ur body is too intelligent to waste any time trying to arrest yhe poison asap. Its so sad to see people on this site totally trapped in the brainwashing eho actually believe medicine can help them.
You can literally eat cow shit and that will shrink ur tumors the human lifespan is over 200 and there is no such thing as terminal cancer its a hoax if u follow the Aajonus Vonderplanitz diet you have a 98% cancer reversal chance yalking about supplements and big pharma products as any type of solution is exactly what they want.
So u dont know if its truly a coincidence and ur hoping its not and just saying people who believe that are dumb? I need you to google what is an argument. Bro ur of the devil comment is pretty cringe wtf did u wear a fedora when u typed this?
Dont bother man ur arguing against mentall walls who believe germs are dangerous meanwhile the human body is made of 99% bacteria. They take poison to cure themselves of stuff that doesnt exist and get mad id u try to teach them not to irrationally destroy their own bodies needlessly