Exactly! There will come a time for each of us to shine.
OMG. That video is hilarious! I laughed so hard I cried the first time I watched it! 😂😂😂😂
And Kamala aka The Ho
Dinesh is on FIRE lately! :-)
EXCELLENT post! Thank you! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Sorry, but you can get shingles more than once.
Good question
Great post!!!!
Yep. Every. Single. Time.
Forgive my ignorance. What is an NPC?
I believe the SC will turn Roe vs Wade back to the individual states. By that, I mean each state will decide whether or not abortion is legal there. And look at all the states that have passed legislation against abortion over the past year or so! I am hopeful.
Yes, catsix. Bugs me too!
I see what you did there. LOL
I want to know who was behind reporting the doctors! I'm convinced it was the pharmacists.
Wow. I had completely forgotten this!
My blood is boiling. My mother died at 49 from brain cancer. 49!!! I'll see her with Jesus on the other side, but I sure would have liked to have those years with her. :-(
What an... Ummmmm... Unattractive individual.
Just spit out my tea. LOL
I am a word nerd and an author, so I appreciate any efforts to raise spelling and grammar awareness.
"Is it time to eat, Grandma?"
"Is it time to eat Grandma?"
Yeah. It matters.