“I beat anorexia. Ask me how.”
- JD Prtizker
I worked in the dental field for 13 years and yes there have been some shady practitioners and some shady materials / technology over the years. I’ve been out of dentistry for about 6 years. Solo practices will continue to be bought up by private equity. Your “healthcare” will continue to become more corporate. The founder of the AMA reminds me of Fauci because neither “physician” ever worked in a clinical capacity. My wife worked briefly in OTC and Rx manufacturing shortly after graduating college. She told me that if you could meet the people who produce your “medicine”, you would never take it.
Dig: Flexner Report, the Rockefellers and the origins of the AMA.
Mr. Blackwell’s Worst Dressed leaps to mind. Joan Rivers would have a few choice words for this fashion faux-pas. God rest their acerbic souls.
Lard Austin. What size suit do you suppose he wears? He won the war against anorexia.
Beat me to it.
What an odd thing to do.
I ate there once on a company trip. It was meh. French fries on a salad is kind of retarded. I guess they cater to sportsball clientele.
A Mexican Coke hits the spot every couple of months. I could make a six pack last a year.
I work a few guys named Jesus. My favorite was a carpenter.
Channeling the Edgar Winter Group
Big Mike pregnant with twins.
I felt like the announcement of Jimmy Carter’s passing would have happned before this. I agree with you that this case / investigation has been going on for a while. The timing is interdasting tho.
He and Raskin are insufferable.
Rep. Raul Grijalva is an embarrassment… does not help Tucson’s reputation let alone his constituents.
Maybe he can get Ed Buck as his cellie
Chef Pro Tip: don’t go paddle boarding in Martha’s Vineyard.
Went to the rally yesterday in Tucson and returned home feeling upbeat and optimistic. I watched this video a few times. It was an affirmation that DJT continues to be true champion to the little guy and those facing adversity. On a side note, it was kinda funny to see Aiden to look back into the envelope to see if there was anything else in there. I suspect many of us would have done the same. Wishing you the best Liam.
I had to direct a leftist acquaintance of mine to this fact. BHO’s childhood years in Indonesia living with other adherents to a “brand of Islam” included dining on dog meat. My acquaintance is an NPC and has been blowing me up with texts about the news coming from Springfield, OH. He mentioned our memes many times which tells me that our memes are hitting hard. FWIW, I’m punching out early to see our CIC in Tucson this afternoon.
Gitmo is lovely this time of year
Fox is controlled opposition. Turn that 💩 off. Hannity has always impressed me as neo-con stooge / shill.
Got my mine months ago at the local feed store. Have had a stash of potassium iodide for several months as well
This is a ridiculous interview question. Journalism slides further into the abyss. DJT was spot on when he correctly characterized the media as the enemy of the people.
In this sense, I’m pro-choice. Let the victim’s family decide.
Rueben Gallego is such a repressible POS.