This exact meme got me censored on LinkedIn 4 years ago. Ridiculous.
Does Liz Cheney have an alibi for July 13th? Asking for a Fren 🐸
I see two shrimp dicks and no cajones.
Make me a sammich
“Here I come Elizabeth!”
- Fred Sanford as played by Redd Foxx
Neck beard… get the look.
I see Adam Kinzinger is among the 12. No coincidences. Worth a look and listen.
Disclaimer: not a physician. You can def experience a potentially harmful seratonin syndrome. I take Buporion currently. My psych NP has me on a low dose of Gabapentin in place of several other SSRI’s and nSSRI’s that no longer “work” for me. The Gabapentin also helps mitigate some the pain in my shoulder from a torn labrum. I had self medicated with cannabis for years. Been on a tolerance break for about 6 weeks and my anxiety is worse along with the pain. Cannabis is funny in that less is more. My experience has been that these drugs, including cannabis “work” or “manage” your mood until they don’t. Stay the hell away from alcohol. I expect you and I will have much less anxiety and depression when DJT returns, the cabal is destroyed and the normies wake the fuck up. I’m not especially religious, but I recognize that Christ suffered in the worst ways imaginable so that we might be saved. Suffering can be a way to enlightenment or understanding. Even tho things might not be ok, remember that YOU will more than ok in the end. Peace Fren
I would not visit KFC to throw up.
As long as it is not her own Vodka, this more than plausible.
The Salty Cracker has just such a thing at his online store. Coffee mugs and hoodies, too. Remember Dads and Grads this June.
The McRib must be back for a limited time is my best guess.
Doctor, heal thyself… just kidding. No refunds. Statistically speaking you are more likely to be injured or killed by a medical error than a firearm in the US.
May you and husband enjoy a long retirement together.
Salty Cracker has a wood chipper technician t shirt available I believe.
There is an app called “Food Checker” you can scan nearly any bar code you could imagine and discover what it is really in it. My favorite is red food coloring called cochineal (sp?). It is derived from the blood of beetles. My mindset is to have as few barcoded things as possible in my grocery bag…
Underrated comment 🔥
I was gonna get one AR-15. Now I’m getting two just to spite him. Eat 💩commie.
Sean Combs is one fugly pedo.
I see what you did there. KEK.
I was waiting for President Ali to say to this jive-ass white journalist, “… Ni**a, please.” Idk, maybe they don’t use that expression in Guyana, but they should.
Got that game on my Wii. Might have to play it this evening.