SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you friend, it is somehow comforting to know there are others in the vast universe in the same season of life as you, although I hate to hear you are struggling through it like me. I'll be saying a prayer for you and your little one :)

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Due to a genetic liver condition I can't fast and keto has proven to hard on my system. I am however going to be changing my diet to Whole Foods and looking to purposeful meals in regulating hormones and helping liver detox. I will take your advice to do all things with love at the forefront, it is very sound advice and something that gets lost and put to the side when life becomes routine

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the suggestion. I have it ordered now, it sounds perfect.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have done much better at approaching the children and house load as a team effort as of late, I think that also adds to my frustration, the load is getting a little lighter everyday but I still feel like a slump. Maybe I just need time more time to recover from a strenuous year.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, that was so on point. Thank you for sharing. I'm going to read over that every morning this week. I think my deepest fear, is that I'm wasting some lesson that I can't seem to grasp or understand. And that's why I can't seem to get from point A to point B

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never heard it described like that, and it feels all to real. I used to belong to a boxing gym before covid. Perhaps it is time to get a bag for home use, I think this is a solid idea.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you kind friend. I've had a series of overwhelming months where free time wasn't really an option, but with summer it's becoming more feasible, so maybe it just takes a little while longer for the overwhelm to settle

SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

We are headed to the beach in a week, I'm certainly hoping it will be the rest and reset my body mind and spirit is looking for.

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fervor you have is exactly what I'm hoping for. Words like yours used to make me feel so uncomfortable, but during the height of covid, I felt a taste of that spirit and diligently spoke, prayed , studied with others. I felt a lot of presence then. I've prayed in the spirit of Job , through the darkest points . I for sure believe God values honest prayers, even when I'm angry and brutally honest, I haven't stopped prayers but I feel like there's a block there, like a purposely mentally trying to remain numb even when my spirit is reeling for that closeness again. I've asked for forgiveness in ways I've know I've been wrong and even for forgiveness for maybe what I don't know is wrong, I've spent time dwelling on others I may have not forgiven in my past and forgiving them . And perhaps I'm making all the proper strides and it's a season of waiting and patience but I'm very sick and tired of it.

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am unvaxxed. I've never tested any of my illnesses on whether they were covid or not but I've had my fair share of illnesses on the past 3 years. I take magnesium glycinate, Berberine, and calcium d glucarate , for sleep, insulin regulation, and liver detox. I've taken ivermectin a few times with my illnesses as they came up. I've done a paraguard cleanse , I've done an oil of oregano cleanse. I've been on enzymes and probiotics. I have studied ALOT, of information on supplements, minerals, food to take to help and have done all of them and consistently. I'm for sure not one to go to the doctor for a prescription. I think the amount of knowledge, discipline and work I've put into it is part of the overall frustration. We are as a family going on vacation in a weeks time and I'm hoping some time in Gods nature (the beach) could be the reset my body and mind and spirit is looking for.

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes in the Bible during the pre flood period , man lived to be 900 years or more. This begins to decrease drastically after the flood story. Christian scientist sometime speculate the atmosphere conditions were changed after flood and the new conditions were not suitable for multiple century life.

SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

God gave us the capacity to live to 120 years old but somehow with today's "modern and advanced medicine" the average person is lucky to see their 80s and by then they are generally incapacitated ... I think that says a lot...

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

My paranoid self always wondered if they did make a shit virus and a shit vaccine to turn free thinkers hard against vaccines. Then they'll come out with an actual life saving vaccine before they drop an actually deadly virus but no free thinkers will be willing to get the vaccine and so suffer an actual pandemic. That would be the clever thing to do, but I think they've handed to much of their powers to dim wits and you're only as smart as your brightest idiot. So maybe that'll be our saving grace. And also my healing comes from the power of Christ, it's in his hands from here on out.

SpaceCadet0106 5 points ago +5 / -0

Elder millennial here, top in class and bachelors degree from top state university. But alas I'm one of the only of my friends not consumed by the matrix. Several friends had the same conservative raising as I did too. I have noticed my friends who married right out of college (me included) and had babies right out the gate, have retained their conservative values and questioned Covid and vaccine measures. Friends who traveled after college "to find themselves" or continued for a masters, are entrenched with the ideals of liberalism and woke ideology. These friends have waited a decade from college to just now have babies. It will be interesting to see if there is a shift for them.

SpaceCadet0106 9 points ago +9 / -0

I feel I have shifted my external validation to God, He is the only one I care to please and when I view the world as a place that is consumed with the thought of ruining my presence with God, I question all things before me and look to him and his word for guidance. But I know atheists who are awake and I know devout Christians who have been vaccinated. In other words, I don't know the answer, but the thought of why Im "different" or "awake" and others I know are not, really baffles me on a psychological level. I'm thankful for whatever it is that has set me apart but it would be nice to know what it truly was to better break the conditioning of others.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was probably 12 years old sitting alone on the couch late into the night enthralled in some sort of Kennedy assassination documentary on tv. By the end of it I was absolutely convinced I knew wayyy too much information and the government was going to find out and hunt me down.😅 did not sleep very well that night...

Now I'm an "insurrectionist" , my how the years go by.

by DrMcCoy
SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or like when people get that parasite from cats that makes them keep and take care of more and more cats "Toxoplasma gondii"

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weird. Nobody seems to die from covid anymore…

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m just having fun

Some guesses.1) He announces running as independent, not republican because the Republican Party is corrupt?. 2) he announces running and a likely vp choice ? Gosh what if it was DeSantis, I just want to see how the media gulps that down 3) he announces he’s not running but he’s backing so and so who is running, what if DJTJr? 4) he blows the full lid off election fraud 5) he shows a clip proving we never went to the moon. 6) he blows the lid off 9/11 7) the storm is upon us 8) he brings out jfk jr his future running mate.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

The people at twitter being laid off right now weren’t in the tech industry in 2009, they were in high school or early college.

SpaceCadet0106 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s nice to know that if I got one thing right in parenting in this life, it’s that I refused to let my children to be canon fodder for the political elite.

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