Quite interesting that talk of child trafficking and pedophilia has been increasing rapidly lately. Things heating up?
I really do believe California is quite conservative under enslavement of a gargantuan amount of fraud. The media really does project a different reality making us believe California is filled with nothing but liberal whackjobs.
Let it be shown that this is not the case.
Now we need a pepevahkiin.
Who knows when the end really is, but this post lays out the timeline we are on. To be honest, this timeline is nowhere near as disastrous if we had been in the timeline where Hillary won.
The precipice, the moment of destruction, is something that is not taken lightly. We will know when we are there.
I thought this too, he made them spend ammo thinking he was going to do something major today.
This confirmed for me that the psychological war is still in full swing. I imagine the next 2 years will not be fun for the powers that be.
Curious how they won't count the last 45 percent of votes.
He may be talking about paying 11 billion over the current net worth of twitter which is 33 billion.
This would be like a car manufacturer getting sued for someone using their car to commit vehicular manslaughter. Of course, that never seems to happen.
Considering there is a storm coming, maybe he will use his drying pan.
The fact he is cranking out memes about this should really put fear into the enemy right about now.
I love it.
It'll be about tree fiddy.
I've always held firm to the belief that it had to be this way. Things had to get so bad that it would trigger an awakening. It was a hard few years hanging on to that belief. Now that he has come back and outright stated "it had to be done this way" is the biggest morale booster.
Welcome back Q.
Turns out, the rice got fryed.
In my opinion, wins and loses shouldn't be just characterized by people being arrested or convicted by trial. The wins and loses is information. Information the powers that be never wanted to get out in the first place.
The reason I suspect they tried to intervene in this trial was not because they were afraid of Sussmann getting arrested, but because of information getting out that would implicate the whole ring with the ring leader. More than likely, this will repeat at every subsequent trial that is held.
When one has the opinion of the White Hats dragging this out too long or the goal posts being moved, it's very easy to become gloomy when the outcome is not the one that was wanted.
I believe it needs to be said that the plan never had any dates or any specific times that will be met or the whole operation failed. It's vague, and as a result, no one truly knows the time and manner world changing events will go down
The thing I know for real is the Deep state are freaking out. Whatever is happening there is not benefiting them.
You know, I recall a very similar sentiment in January of 2020 with Iran and what not. Right before a "Pandemic" was declared.
This is very evil, and I'm glad we're getting closer and closer to having the evil get exposed.
This is another reason why I prefer cars with the least amount of computerized stuff in them.
It's like they have been forgotten about conveniently.
They are experts at being shape shifting pricks.
The Deep state never stood a chance. The White Hats really are 5 steps ahead.
Don't fuck with this Russian!
Quite the timing there. Though, the case against her only merely skimmed the surface of what a monster she truly is. I wonder what the effect this case will have on the population guilty or not?
Either way, this movie is seriously ramping up and I'm sticking with it to the end.
I imagine this will start to happen in most countries soon when they attempt this. This is the beginning of the end for them. They are all in they can't back out now, for them to do so would be to admit defeat.
Thanks sir, very great news for this State.