Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve got a few thoughts on this.

The activist ultra liberal Twitter users already left or deleted their Twitter in protest and are no longer flagging posts that used to be flagged as hate speech.

What qualifies as hate speech has changed since the takeover. This would probably be easy to look up but I’m lazy.

He said hate speech impressions. He is talking about how many people viewed tweets with “hate speech”. So, perhaps Twitter now instead of deleting “hate speech” it just filters those posts from anyone who is not a follower. Probably also fairly easy to test.

Stekky75 -2 points ago +2 / -4

So we should all deal with long lines at delays at checkout so old people can socialize? They need to find a club or go to bingo night. The reason self checkouts are popular with people is precisely this reason. I’ve got better things to do than wait in lines at the local store. I remember the days before self checkout. It was ALWAYS a 10-15m wait while (mostly women) took forever with coupons and the checkbook that they wouldn’t bother to even look for in their purse until after the cashier told them the total. At least I have a option to avoid that nightmare now.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a physical audit. It’s physical assets that are supposed to be there but are not. With the amount missing it’s likely there is a large amount of stuff being purchased with receipt from complicit suppliers and the money is funneled into black projects or pockets. Likely both.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would need more myself. Maybe sentences that end with red and next starts with two. No punctuation.
“…in the red Two months… “

Stekky75 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nice association I would have never seen. Not sure it means anything but now I will be looking out for red2!

Stekky75 1 point ago +3 / -2

We know she’s not but this is an unfair position. If she’s a good person and takes care of her body and has a quiet non public life then there really isn’t anything for strangers to criticize. Now, I highly doubt that’s true but it’s unfair to judge her just because her parents are vile.

It’s like Ivanka Trump, hate her or like her. I understand either way.

Tiffany Trump. Shes just trying to live her own life. Leave her alone.

Stekky75 7 points ago +7 / -0

V for Vendetta is good. There are some pretty interesting parallels to the events recently and its just a good entertaining movie.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just worldnews. Politics, technology…. Something like 9 subreddits.

You think she spent all her time there moderating? She was installed there by Reddit admins.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think cyborgs are pretty cool and I hope I’m alive to experience it.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not just a politician, if you look at his history he’s been groomed to be a politician.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re already enslaved but you can’t see the collar.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Source: https://www.dealntech.com/tesla-pi-phone/

See. Stop this. There are plenty of GOOD tech journalism sites that you don’t need to go sourcing shit like this. In general just avoid the India tech bloggers as they all love speculating and they will show you a iPhone 20 prototype if you ask.

The pi phone has never been ”shown” in public, not even a prototype. No manufacturing details, phone specs or partners have been released or leaked. Maybe they are going to do the entire thing in house but there would at least be knowledge of some of it. Even Dojo manufacturing processes gets leaked. The most people know is that it’s being designed.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0


You think he’s just going to surprise you tomorrow with a phone launch when nobody has specs for it. The FCC has never tested/approved it which can take months. Is one in development? Most likely.

Lithium. Most of it is in South America and while China does have reserves, MOST OF THE WORLDS LITHIUM IS IN SOUTH AMERICA. Now, you want to know,what China does have? Tin. Crucial for making batteries and Elon did put out notice a few years ago that the shortage for batteries won’t be lithium it will be tin.

Celebrities. If people here didn’t learn after Sean Hannity and his “tick-tock” bull shit they never will learn. Best to not trust any talking head including Elon or Trump Jr.

I’m not here to defend Elon. Who knows what the guys deal is besides providing some entertainment to a media scene so lacking. I’m here talking because I think your vomiting nonsense ideas and show a complete lack of logical reasoning and I’m really tired of seeing it around here.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Richest man (publicly known) on earth via unrealized gains in stock. Takes it all and his celebrity fandom and lights it all on fire with online shitposting against his main celebrity worshiping audience. Buys the largest online social network and continues to rail against the sheep. Teslas value and his net worth plunge because of this. Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from the App Store.

So, he did all of this to grift smartphones to conservatives? Really? This is your hypothesis? Is this one of those “he’s so dumb!” Jabs?

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

An ad? Please dont be so gullible. Nothing about the phone has been released. A whole lot of internet speculators with tech blogs making easy money on people like you.

Stekky75 1 point ago +2 / -1

NPR isn’t gov run. Gov is just the main donor of free money so the liberals running the organization can spew its propaganda. If the gov stopped tomorrow it’s likely a bunch of liberal run businesses would line up to fill in the funding gap.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is my mother minus the flat earth but add that every dead celebrity is actually alive and about to make a reappearance. I ask her why it matters if random celebrities are dead or alive but she never clarifies. Like who gives a fuck if Elvis has been in hiding for 50 years and is now 95 and almost dead of old age? She never seemed to care about the celebrity worship before.

Telegram and Rumble are cancer as far as I’m concerned.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish everyone could be as thoughtful.

After years of Q stuff, exposing the government, the media, celebrities and I still see retards here daily rushing to parrot some random unsubstantiated talking point their favorite internet celebrity said like it’s gospel.

I’m still here for Q because at the start there were happenings weekly. All sorts of weird shit that made me realize something very weird is going on and Trump was ignoring all Q inquiries like there is no reason to worry if there is some massive campaign using his name as the source. Now, I’m just cautious hopeful. But I certainly don’t care what Robert Fuckhead the YouTuber thinks or “decoded” while he was taking a shit.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

There probably is nothing to confirm besides a link to some random blog. People will keep scamming when others want to believe so bad they leave their brains behind.

Stekky75 4 points ago +5 / -1

When did DeSantis destroy Disney? If anything Disney is making more money and can push all blame of internal staffing/security off to the county. I know Disney was saying “no please don’t! “ but maybe it was more of an act and either they don’t care or it was a small loss created to give DeSantis credibility.

As far as the lenient Covid state, gotta have a release valve on the nations tensions where people can vacation to before they revolt.

I’m not saying his actions were bad, I enjoy them myself and he currently makes a good Florida gov but media given instructions can easily create the image of whoever they want (villain, hero) and some people are easily swayed to believe that narrative.

I’m becoming more and more sure that DeSantis will run against Trump in 2024 and he will be loved by the media and thus by “moderate” democrats, independents and republicans. This image is only possible with the media on your side.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

The point is not to blindly accept anyone. Blind belief is awful advice and will put you on the fact track to being taken advantage of. This applies to all the grifter faces on Facebook, TWITTER AND Telegram.

I agree DeSantis has done some great work as Florida governor. I also think that his rise to prominence in politics wasn’t something that was random but a series of planned actions that every single career politician seems to take. This should trigger red flags for you at least in terms that he desired power from a young age and has been guided by someone.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t support DeSantis but he needs to be looked at AS a politician.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats not really money laundering though, its fraud.

Money laundering is moving "dirty" money made from illegal services/trade to a person in a way that appears legal. Something like modern art, where value is subjective and can conjured in a small period of time and sold for millions with zero oversight. Businesses that have few/no customers but money comes in daily in the ledgers. This is money laundering.

Again, its possible the mega lotteries are fixed and controlled. It wouldn't surprise me at all if its happened before. I think identity or transparency is a poor indicator of fraud though. Anyone can win.

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