I don't agree with you. It will not get bloody, we already had that conflict. That was the 30 years war.
I don't consider Protestantism and Catholicism the same at all, they are vastly different but thats not what I was talking about in the first place. I am saying we are on the same side, fighting the same war, against the same enemy. The freemasons have taken the world and we are all fighting to take it back. I don't care if your gay, straight, protestant, Catholic or whatever else. If you are awake and will fight against this evil, thats all I care about.
We shouldn't be eating one another for the dumbest possible reason ever. Lets move past that.
That is not what I was talking about.
We are different and will probably never agree but we have the same enemy. We are fighting the same war, and that is against the freemasons and their loyalist pigs. Why the hell are we trying to destroy one another? It is the dumbest thing we could possibly do.
I am not going to lie, I think Protestantism is totally wrong but I am smart enough to recognize that you guys are our allies and we all need to stick together at the moment. I will not berate you like how I am constantly berated here.
No, it still is ridiculous. We all have the same exact aim here and we want the same exact end goal, which is the defeat of the WEF and its masonic order. Our Church is corrupted by it is not defined by the sickness in which plagues it.
How about lets just stop berating one another and work towards that goal?
Man that would be pretty incredible.
I never heard that though, that it may or may not turn into a tv station. I only own like 35 shares but I also got a bunch of silver since 2020 so I am hoping I will make it just far enough to pay off my home.
Just be careful man. I spent the last few months reading about all the different scams and how they get you. It is terrifying because I am trying to retire off of XRP myself and I will be damned if I let anyone take that opportunity away from me.
I want as many people to win off of this as possible, so I like to try and give warnings so that people can retire along side me. Lets get to the moon together.