Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fren, you're not alone in the noticing.

Goes the same way the other direction. Whole lot of bad Twitter grifters and paytriots still pushed on the board. It's been worse but it could be better.

Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

If they lie about polls and statistics in general, then this is inflated too. I work in a facility of 200+ and less than 1/3 are jabberd.

Strelnieks -2 points ago +2 / -4

Only once. Regarding election fraud, on a syndicated British outlet, and before she began any type of paytriot routine.

It's the same as Trump retweeting a positive MSM clip.

She's outed herself more than once to the community. Why anyone pays her any attention is beyond belief.

Strelnieks -4 points ago +3 / -7

Imagine that, a paytriot predicting what anons already know... Jan Help-herself can go piss up a rope. She contributes nothing to the awakening.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

This comment brought to you by Carl's Jr!

Strelnieks 2 points ago +3 / -1

And Ingersoll Larpwood & US Debtklook...

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're cool, and you're right they are very noisy! I've seen a few training in my neck of the woods.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

FWIW this Maerox acct is about as accurate as Ariel or other similar accts. Nothing to show thus far.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, it's definitely concerning as most of the EU hierarchy and representatives are globohomo & swampy as it gets.

I don't think Latvia or Estonia have the balls to act independently even if given a gazillion euros and the green light to go ahead. Poland and Lithuania possibly, but both have scaled back their hostile rhetoric this past year compared to past threats and stupid ideas.

I remain positive but ever vigilant. There has been good news regarding individual member states and this very issue. Germany recently stated they would have no part in sending troops and or using Germany as a launch pad. I believe Fico made the same statement for Slovakia a few days before. Finland is back-stepping on its aggressive tones, same for several other member states.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point fren. Just look at Pussy Riot, their media presence, and following for a good example.

However I'd say RU normie population is 70/30 split conservative/leftist, much like here but MSM skews the stats just like in America as well.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

RHH is sooo damn good.

Ever hear them cover the Johnny Quest & Wacky Races intro songs? Totally worth your 3 min of time

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

At the time of the inauguration even the best of us were skewed in our baking efforts. That was a confusing season for anons. It's fulfilling to witness at this point in the timeline.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

don't know what the population in Kalingrad is like...

It's nearly all Russian population currently since the SMO began. In non war time life, the place is a glorified tourist destination, shipping hub, and the Russians main access to the Baltic Sea militarily.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

This frog has been watching the region closely. There's been a lot of big talk but no action, which is a good thing. Lithuania espoused cutting off the rail connection to Kaliningrad and dropped it. All the Baltic States have also backpedaled hard with calls for their own specific military escalation. Will report when and if the regional local news action becomes post worthy.

The precipice you hypothesized of EU seizing control... well that would essentially be Crimea 2.0. The Russians have a Naval port in Kaliningrad, same as they did in Crimea. The RU constitution specifically states for that reason, plus the Russian citizenry there too... that they must and will stop annexation of the Federation and it's protect it's people's.

We all know these people are stupid, but even the local neighboring populations know this intimately. They will not risk their own territory and populations for the sake of seizing what is essentially a small tourist, shipping, and military hub. It would be like another country attempting to attack and seize Norfolk + Colonial Williamsburg in terms of size and scope.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely 💯% this. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

Check the notables daily and get in the trenches when we're being shelled with data and anons will stay ahead of the pundits as they have this entire time. Afterall, most of them steal their content from the various boards and nerve center anyways.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exceptional post fren! Yes, even those who wouldn't receive tax breaks or credits (upper tier mid class for example) would still benefit enough from the elimination of income taxes because outside of basic needs, any additional personal spending is a want, and if you do not want to pay higher taxes on a new 50k dollar car for example, you do not have to buy that vehicle. It is optional to the consumer on what they buy beyond what we need to live.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Catdude, if you have the opportunity to try any fancy Euro brews and wish to try something Latvian I highly recommend a nice cold pint of Valmiermuiźa.

Enjoy your trip and safe travels!

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is correct. The amalgam of researchers that resided on TD circa 2016 - January 2018 helped create that community.

Admins however forced out all of the original mod team that wouldn't bend the knee and began shadow banning & censoring anything Q related in January 2018. r/CBTS & r/great_awakening both began a month prior, but became the outside the chans primary hangout until they were nuked by admins appx one year later.

However the history, the core of the research movement came from the chans and dates back before gamergate, but with that event being of large enough significance that anons and their fruits became the news.

Fond memories. Some of us have been on the research & truth movement train since long before Q began posting and 45 running for office. I began posting to the boards sometime around 2013. Been baking for a decade, glad that the movies will be over in less time than has elapsed.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

It has been many places. Some much larger than others. We're all spread out now, not too many frogs in the same pond.

The war room is each anon's own circle of influence and always has been in a way.

Strelnieks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Go to settings and turn off community styling. This enables the downdoot button.

Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

God's timeline is truly amazing. I recently explained the phenomenon to some normie coworkers using the television show Lost.

It's a bit like the numbers used in the hatch recurring in all of the individual characters lives in the past and subsequently all of their lives intersecting and the numbers continuing to occur through some mechanism of divine fate.

Using the show Lost is a great way to communicate many research topics to normies into something they can understand.

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