Strelnieks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Use a good pop up blocker browser such as brave.

There's a lot of options out there. myflixerz.to is an excellent free streaming portal.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the interview seems fine. Idk what's going on with the thumbnail. Terrible photo? Too much make up? Different person entirely?

The earrings seem to match tho. The thumbnail pic is just something odd I couldn't help but notice.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's up with the thumbnail? That does not look like her.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn't matter to the ICC, Interpol, nor the FSB.

I suggest a trade. Russia can have Fauci & HB to prosecute publicly and unleash a flood of truth regarding a wide swathe of nefarious crimes against humanity. In return, Western Ukraine gets remodeled into an impotent rump state. New borders, new neutral govt, no military, and certainly no NATO membership.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

But maybe I didn't give him enough time.

No, you've given too much if anything. Just this past December, Mr. High had a years long running deadline for UFO disclosure (based on his super secret infallible algorithm he always promotes) that he hyped regularly. His followers just kept moving the goal posts for him.

"oh, well it WILL happen next week! No, wait... by the holiday. Now wait, by the end of the month! ...Well actually Cliff meant anytime this winter! Ackshuly! Cliff meant next winter, he forgot to carry the one when calculating his algorithm."

Cliff High is a grifting paytriot. Same as Juan O Savin, Charlie Webb, Neon Revolt, and a litany of other parasitic vampires leeching off of the expanded truth and research community.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

First point, just because it was stationary or not does not mean it wasn't a compromised craft.

Second, very hard to tell the trajectories even with the data that we have so far.

Perhaps there were crew aboard, perhaps not? If crewed, they may have been assets, or even yet, the chopper could've still been remotely taken over.

I'm just spitballing fren. Idk what's going to stick, just that cursory evidence leads to more questions.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dropping this as a random sequence of thoughts...

Saudi chopper was remote flown into passenger airliner carrying several Russians in attempt to move pieces on the board.

Kremlin won't take obvious atk bait, so this was another attempt to force moves on board. Did not work as one can clearly see from video link. Would mesh well with u/Bedminster socratic questioning of did WH tip off FSB? I would surmise yes, very possible.

Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

No, worse. The neocons stay silent then vote with the neolibs behind closed doors.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not hammerless, but it's hard to beat the 1in barrel Judge for a pocket cannon. 5 shots of 45 long hp or your choice of 3in .410 shell including slugs or 00.

Also a very utility piece. I like to take mine hiking or working outside in case of sneaky sneks.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

With what we know so far, I'm leaning towards POTUS using the DEI story as a smoke screen and to further awaken the normies about that specific subject.

In other words, keep digging. This presser is similar to the non specificity of the drone statement a few days ago. "Nothing to see here folks, just more DEI fallout" when in actuality there's more to the habbening than that.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's an interesting phenomenon. Watching elements of the left awaken in many of the same ways anons did... but it's different.

Our reactionary awakening was spurred by doing research, digging, and forming these bolthole style boards and hangouts. Their awakening is spurred by reacting to the news cycle.

E.g. Now most of the left are anti Zionist because of the controlled flow of news since Oct 7th. Or, a better example is all of the recent tranny drama. The issue is getting ratio'd very hard in our favor in the realm of gaming and conspiracy subreddits.

They're losing a foothold on their strongest front, reddit. They abandoned X long ago and now are banning links to it. All of this stepping stone cause effect shit was planned long ago. It's ingenious! The plan never ceases to amaze me.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's both. But the latter is TBD what type(s) of spiritual NHI are we dealing with exactly.

One things for sure. News Nation and the UFO/UAP pundit crowd are fighting on two fronts: To stay relevant while also attempting to control the narrative. They'll lose both battles given enough time.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

News Nation just keeps moving them goal posts! First it was Winter 2024. Then the first weekend of January. Then the weekend before the inauguration....

At least now it's a year out. Now we shouldn't have to see anymore News Nation posts mucking up the feed for a while.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kaczynski was a literal mad bomber but he confirmed and exposed several inconvenient truths regarding clandestine govt ops.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. IMO this is just a point on the (insert whatever kinda disclosure here) trail/map.

Personally, I think they are prepping the public for spiritual entity disclosure. It's part of the anti-bluebeam operation underway.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

New addendum to the welfare clause: Participants agree that in any event that their dependents exceed total number (idk... 3?) Then you hereby consent to be spayed. Applies in order to continue receiving any benefits past the date one year exactly from adding your third dependent.

Problem sorta solved, or at least limit capped.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's obviously one of the insiders behind the scenes. Months of silence to emerge again with a re-tweet satire meme video taken from another pundit. /s

Strelnieks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed. We've had SAMs installed for decades in many places. Additionally, we've had mobile SAMs able to deploy for even longer. No accelerate the tech to today's standards... we don't need an iron dome, most likely have a very fluid array of capabilities already in place.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was my line of questioning too.

Not to be negative, but if only 8,000 total service members refused the clot-shot that is truly depressing. There's gotta be more information regarding those numbers. 8,000 seems paltry no?

EDIT: Found this Army.mil article on the subject

Yikes, nearly half a million for the Army alone (includes reservists best I can surmise). Not very encouraging dissent rate u/Bibloop if you ask this frog. It's an older article, could be inflated with some puffed up stats under the previous admin.... but still, damn!

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saw this on r/conspiracy this morning and almost shared it... it's been reported to multiple law enforcement agencies already. Link to r/conspiracy thread

Apparently the post originated from a FB group dedicated to GoogleEarth Maps, so this has had millions of eyes on it as of now. Interesting comment chains from the original subreddit posting show evidence of image altering and scrubbing which is not surprising.

Strelnieks 0 points ago +1 / -1

Take my only upvoat!

This is pure gold! Anyone downvoating is a prude or scared of what's to come.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Indeed, that's the gist of it. In slang I was making a D&D skill check joke.

But seriously, we have the best FLOTUS! What a timeline to experience!

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iespaidigs prasmju parbaude viegli nokartots! o7

Very nice! Goes well with this warm morning coffee.

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