I think a judge in bumfuck new Mexico said Trump is not allowed to do that! /s
DMSO roll on works very well on muscle pain. On;y side effect is the area might be a little itchy.
Trump is hopefully ignoring these leftist faggot judges.
Ghetto hood rat piece of shit.
I want to see him made an example of. I want EVERY FBI agent to see what's in store for them if they choose to take this route. Furthermore, I want the American people to see actual justice take place.
He's nothing but a conduit to the deep state. Everything he gets, he passes it to them.
The boomer swiping motion is also comical.
Ghetto hood rat looking piece of shit.
Preserve your documents and get a lawyer, there will be questions.
This guy has to be a major pedo.
LOL no their not. Noodle armed faggots and fatty unicorn haired diabetes pigs can't roll out of bed until at least 11am. They're not capable.
We're famous and the rest of you are shit on the bottom of our shoe that's how I took this. But yeah, absolute fucking self important retards who's main job is to play dress up and pretend. Go dance for me monkeys.
Time to arrest this ghetto rat.
Yeah...This was no accident. They were baiting this guy and he took the bait. He posted the entire thread in the Atlantic (commie faggot rag).
Amen, All praise and glory to God.
Grassley has been the biggest disappointment.
Oh, for the love of God do this!!!!!!!!
When you're dressed like the military, you get treated as such. Sorry not sorry.
Leftist commie fags.
You know you're over the target when the faggots cry this hard.
Ask the same questions to girls back in 1952 and you will not only get the correct answer, they would have made you a great lunch while telling you.
Sad isn't it. The average IQ of your everyday eater is just a few clicks north of room temperature.
I'm enjoying watching leftist key each other's car its so fucking entertaining! Because no maga person drives one only fart sniffing leftist drive them.
This little te group of deep state pedo faggots is something they never wanted go get out.
You're damn right it is.