Be careful what you wish for. Frazzledrip is real.
TB is caused by a bacterium. A cursory check would show this.
I won't be happy unless the 16th amendment is repealed and no U.S. citizen pays income taxes.
Trump is Elvis confirmed.
Exactly. Once the process is established, then it can be gamed to disenfranchise those that pass OPs test. "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried."
That reminds me of Muhammad Ali saying: "No Vietnamese ever called me N*****."
*worked for a middle school.
Time to build a trebuchet!
Bankers gonna bank.
The Colombian president already sat down to pee. Now he has to put Kool Aid packets on his lips.
How do you collect a tariff on smuggled cocaine? Asking for a friend.
At least 4 more! 👍👍👍👍
[What is best in life?] (
God help those Labor quislings when British patriots have had enough. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Laura Loomer is a dude.
I won't be enjoying the show until the globally televised executions start happening.
Father-in-law you mean? Bieber is married to his daughter.
Sure, it could be that, but in the absence of evidence that he's a black hat, let's not jump to denigrating his service. Life happens sometimes. Maybe a loved one got a bad health diagnosis or something similar.
You are wasting your time if you're searching for logical or moral consistency from these people. There is none.
The thing is with these leftists, there is always a performative element to their communications. It is very reminiscent of people that I know who have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and other psychopathic disorders. The Marxist ideologies espoused by the left and cultivated by the cabal gradually condition people to become highly manipulative and to construct their own little safe spaces where their conditioned beliefs aren't questioned. So is the commenter really contemplating selling xim/xers house to prepare for an American collapse? Hardly. It displays to the think bubble that you're on the team and adhere to the orthodoxy. What makes it so corrosive is that they all know on some level that their belief systems are flawed, but every time they avoid using critical thinking or common sense it gets easier to avoid. At the logical conclusion you're left with an NPC. 4-6% lost forever.
And a heterosexual dude.
My username is relevant again.
Now ban public service unions! Fuck the NEA, or as Rush called them, the National Extortion Administration.
Ad hominem attacks are a sign you might be on the losing side of an argument.
How much of the national debt that can be attributed to the fiat currency of the Fed, waste fraud, or abuse? I firmly believe a debt jubilee for public and private debt is the only remedy.