Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Finally someone calls em out. Question is how do we stop them from permanently destroying the nuclear family? End the family court? Remove the 19th? Mandatory paternity test after birth?

Suicidal-cali-ped 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good thing I didn't enlist. Wouldn't want any of these two to watch my back. Let alone any of the LGHDTV community that the military so desperately wanted to enlist. Nor any of the women that they specifically pandered to.

Suicidal-cali-ped 4 points ago +4 / -0

They're also 1 bad day away from adding to the statistic of trans people commiting suicide per capita.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

More than likely the ones left over are habib and gupta from India. They played off American workers first more than likely

Suicidal-cali-ped 7 points ago +7 / -0

The mother should lose any and all access to her daughter. Father should be given full permanent custody while the mother is given supervised visitation.

Suicidal-cali-ped 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thanks, I'll try. Hard to when I can barely afford my groceries anymore. Same stuff that may have cost me $50 max when Trump was president is now almost reaching $200. Bills are getting harder to maintain now that the economy is as bad as it is.

Suicidal-cali-ped 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is what they want. The want to make it so hard for any man to raise a family. They want the kids in the public school indoctrination camps. Then less and less men will get married due to costs and the decrease in population they've wanted will happen since no one is having kids.

Suicidal-cali-ped 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's been feeling like the precipice is when everyone is homeless. Then maybe the white hats or military will step in. In the meantime get ready to lose everything. I already know I am. Eventually I'll end up homeless, broke, and with nothing left to lose.

Suicidal-cali-ped 3 points ago +3 / -0

Before Trump had the election stolen I considered enlisting. Glad I didn't. Only reason I even wanted in was to get certs for aircraft mechanic.

by Ehjax78
Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now Aaron has a right to use this and say, "sue me b@-$-!"

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfect. I just wanted to check cause while I am lost on where to begin I tried checking here through search if the KJV was a good start. Didn't know there were quite a lot of translations of the holy script so I was quite confused. It's why I put the question here. I figured there are more here with knowledge on this so that I could finally get some answers as to how to connect with God and read his holy text.

Suicidal-cali-ped 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I've been meaning to do this so I can finally feel some sort of purpose and feel closer to God when for so long Ive felt disconnected from him.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotcha. Thank you. I forget about the audio file option but I do think that will help if I can not read text.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotcha alright I've actually planned on reading at least 1 chapter a night. I want to spiritually heal myself because currently spiritually I feel broken. Even though I have a great job and can take care of myself I still feel empty.

Suicidal-cali-ped 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gonna start reading the Bible soon. Quick question to anyone should I read the King James version? Or the Geneva version? I've been trying to find out since I've noticed there may be some concerns with the King James version.

Suicidal-cali-ped 6 points ago +6 / -0

What will our financial system be after the current one including the Fed are done? Will everyone's debt still be active with this new financial system? Will the IRS finally be removed?

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do not believe she is the best you'll get. You, my brother, can better yourself and you'll get better. That being said establish boundaries with her. She'll tell you she wants a man with traditional values and all that, but is she willing to be a traditional woman in the relationship? When you establish your boundaries for the relationship see how she reacts. From there you'll know if she'll respect your boundaries or not. From there the decision moving forward should be clear.

Suicidal-cali-ped 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't know about the 1800s thanks for the info on that one. As for Cali yeah I hope this whole Q plan completely removes destroys and outright obliterate single mother benefits so the tax burden can finally lighten on those actually working. Single fathers are not praised, single fathers are ignored, and single fathers get out right rejected from government benefits iirc because it's not the main narrative. Most of those guys have no choice but to survive without government health. Yet you don't hear about how strong these fathers are.

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