SuperKhanbro 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have watched every single rally speech all the way, from 2015 till until his CPAC speech past Saturday…at least 2000+ hours total! I LOVE TRUMP (like a father, a founding father, a Patriot)🙏

SuperKhanbro 1 point ago +1 / -0

VaX parents kids are born with the ability to keep their heads up in 2 days old, black eyes, older facial features, at least 2 formed visible teeth, walk in just 2 months and run in 6 months of age. No kidding plenty videos out there even fall of the cabal episode 26 showeth!

SuperKhanbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Animal sacrifices since humans are becoming aware look at Michigan right now, legalized animal sacrifice in the open, and just cutting a cow’s neck with a knife is gruesome and scars children for life! I know I was born in a Muslim dominated country where once a year they slaughter hoofed animals in the open by the millions and the streets overflow with their blood. Don’t worry Muslims are running Michigan now (sarcasm).

SuperKhanbro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hillary needs to be sodomized with a sword 🗡️ in public like what those goons did to Gaddafi.

SuperKhanbro 11 points ago +11 / -0

Too much stuff about Newsom coming out in CA regarding his crew stealing the election to get re-elected then stealing the recall election to keep the steal. Distractions for himself and cover for his Chinese handlers. Easy to see folks!

SuperKhanbro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never stopped supporting him. Closet full of Trump Tees. Doomers can go to hell btw.

SuperKhanbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Certified Tranny! Watch out for her/him on OnlyFans 🤣

SuperKhanbro 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s “MasterZ of DeZ FutureZ” 😂

SuperKhanbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canadian syrup sipping VaX sucking Aholes will be murdering out in the open but the city scum will still praise Trudeau…Your leaf 🍁 is drying up Canadians! FALL is upon You All. Wake the F*** Up 🆙

by BQnita
SuperKhanbro 3 points ago +3 / -0

My neighbor across the street who is PuertoRican,retired Army Staff Sgt,(E-6),62 years old and watches MSDNC religiously thinks: Antifa is a myth, thin blue line is Racisms, CV19 is for realz, makes his wife wear a mask(she from S.Korea), his sons moved to FL from his madness, QANON is all some Indian guys fantasy, Biden really got 81 trillions of votes for realz, DJT is a Russian asset, Global Warming caused the winter storm, on and on and on….I feel sorry for the guy after learning he got 3 shots & 2 boosters then ended up with a stroke which he thinks is totally normal even though he is more fit than me & I’m in my early 40s. Bless his heart 🙏

SuperKhanbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lizard 🦎 people (modern day Reptiles) or the Serpent from the Garden of Eden or the Snake Bite poem of DJT got her‼️

SuperKhanbro 1 point ago +1 / -0

McGovern guy is the Rep[D] for this area…he’s the guy on tv freaking out just 2 days ago about Matt Gaetz, Boebert and the other patriots on the R side of the house.

SuperKhanbro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shitholes of Baton Rouge & New Orleans sinking (no pun intended) this Great State! SAD! Make America Great Again!

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