I have watched every single rally speech all the way, from 2015 till until his CPAC speech past Saturday…at least 2000+ hours total! I LOVE TRUMP (like a father, a founding father, a Patriot)🙏
No one said “Please clap”?!?🤣
You are CORRECT ✅ FREN 🤣🤣
Wow. I will pray 🙏 for You Fren
True look a Adam Schiff bug eyes 👀 🤣
Necronomicon followers are shocked!🤡
VaX parents kids are born with the ability to keep their heads up in 2 days old, black eyes, older facial features, at least 2 formed visible teeth, walk in just 2 months and run in 6 months of age. No kidding plenty videos out there even fall of the cabal episode 26 showeth!
Animal sacrifices since humans are becoming aware look at Michigan right now, legalized animal sacrifice in the open, and just cutting a cow’s neck with a knife is gruesome and scars children for life! I know I was born in a Muslim dominated country where once a year they slaughter hoofed animals in the open by the millions and the streets overflow with their blood. Don’t worry Muslims are running Michigan now (sarcasm).
Hillary needs to be sodomized with a sword 🗡️ in public like what those goons did to Gaddafi.
🇦🇺 Mom: I got just 1 Question for ya mate—Pfizer or Moderna?
Orange Man Rad bro
Too much stuff about Newsom coming out in CA regarding his crew stealing the election to get re-elected then stealing the recall election to keep the steal. Distractions for himself and cover for his Chinese handlers. Easy to see folks!
Heart attack gun: remember?
PFizer or Moderna??
Never stopped supporting him. Closet full of Trump Tees. Doomers can go to hell btw.
Certified Tranny! Watch out for her/him on OnlyFans 🤣
It’s “MasterZ of DeZ FutureZ” 😂
Canadian syrup sipping VaX sucking Aholes will be murdering out in the open but the city scum will still praise Trudeau…Your leaf 🍁 is drying up Canadians! FALL is upon You All. Wake the F*** Up 🆙
May be surround as Soros refused to go this year (slippery snake)
My neighbor across the street who is PuertoRican,retired Army Staff Sgt,(E-6),62 years old and watches MSDNC religiously thinks: Antifa is a myth, thin blue line is Racisms, CV19 is for realz, makes his wife wear a mask(she from S.Korea), his sons moved to FL from his madness, QANON is all some Indian guys fantasy, Biden really got 81 trillions of votes for realz, DJT is a Russian asset, Global Warming caused the winter storm, on and on and on….I feel sorry for the guy after learning he got 3 shots & 2 boosters then ended up with a stroke which he thinks is totally normal even though he is more fit than me & I’m in my early 40s. Bless his heart 🙏
Lizard 🦎 people (modern day Reptiles) or the Serpent from the Garden of Eden or the Snake Bite poem of DJT got her‼️
McGovern guy is the Rep[D] for this area…he’s the guy on tv freaking out just 2 days ago about Matt Gaetz, Boebert and the other patriots on the R side of the house.
Shitholes of Baton Rouge & New Orleans sinking (no pun intended) this Great State! SAD! Make America Great Again!
Me too🙏