Survey_girl 11 points ago +12 / -1

https://files.catbox.moe/zgm323.jpg (stolen from twitter)...

yes, everything is planned and choreographed! Stand on the red dot for the photo shoot.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0


posts only stay on 4chan for a few days, everything gets archived to 4plebs.org. you can search or any old post there.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is that Boy George's son? He's (?) got legs like a fat girl, with earrings and a purse... I am so very confused by this person.

Survey_girl 4 points ago +4 / -0

We don't shop there and won't. I am not 100% sure about what happened because I am just hearing about it 2nd hand. It sounded like they refused to fill it for CV19. Like if he had needed it for a parasite or something they would have but they decided it was not an acceptable treatment for CV.... but be sure to get your booster of the poison!

Survey_girl 8 points ago +8 / -0

The walgreens here (small town, very red) would not fill an ivermectin prescription for my friends father when he was sick with CV. He had a Dr's prescription and they would not fill it! It's not their job to decide what drugs should be taken or not, if I bring in a note from my dr. saying I need a certain drug, they need to provide that. I bet they weren't denying all those pain meds that got people hooked and ruined their lives.

Survey_girl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you.

I don't really like/agree how they calculate "lethality" and severe reports, they are just using the number of reported adverse reactions vs. deaths or severe. I think that is misleading. It should be based on total doses given, but of course that info is not going to be released, so it would be impossible to calculate. I think that they should have maybe called the the percentage calcs something a little more forthcoming. Also these number are only based on the information that VAERS has released and we know these reactions / deaths are woefully under reported.

But that being said, what a wonderful resource to track how bad these doses really are.

Survey_girl 7 points ago +7 / -0

In a venn diagram, there would only be one circle....

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can you imagine what the left would be saying if the tables were reversed... If Don Jr. was getting $80k/month from a foreign country, while Trump was in office... with classified docs in a home he was renting for $50k/month. If Trump was threatening to withhold a billion dollars of tax payer money to a country if they didn't fire the prosecutor that was looking into it.

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

We built a separate fenced in area (that touched the existing pen), and let the birds see each other, but they couldn't get at each other. We kept the young birds in there foe a few weeks. When we moved them all into the same area, it was like a middle school dance. Older birds on one side, young birds on the other. The older girls did some pecking and let the younger ones know they needed to stay out of the way. I was very careful to make sure no one was getting injured, that was my biggest concern. I did also add some more feeders and another waterer so the young ones can get some. It has been a couple weeks now and the younger ones are starting to go out and explore a little more ( we let them free range in an open area during the day).

I would not say the older hens are mothering them, but they are tolerating them. The younger ones are starting to get curious about the laying boxes. The other day, 7 of them were in the hen house watching a couple older hens lay :)

I have been thinking about a rooster, it would be awesome to hatch our own chicks!

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the unvaxed are not dying suddenly or coming down with heart / clot problems.... even those that had covid.

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

well, they certainly didn't have to spend any money on testing... research and development budget was pretty small

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

They will release a deadly virus in animals (or fake pcr tests) and kill off all the live stock and wild game. They have already culled millions of chickens (and turkeys) with the "bird flu"... is that real, is it not? It doesn't matter, they are killing off our food supply. Look at the price of chicken and eggs now.

They can poison cows through feed... mad cow disease from eating brain/ brain stem cells from other cows... add it into the feed and kill off millions of cattle.

They have introduced other illnesses to wild game too... chronic wasting disease in deer.

They canceled the Alaskan crabbing this year. They can mess with the commercial and recreational fishing.

As our protein sources are killed off, real meat will become too expensive for most people. those people will have to look elsewhere.... and all that fake meat crap will be the substitute. :/

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have seen lots of reports on line about tractor supply food having issues. Many people are saying their egg production dropped or stopped completely.

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have 10 new hens that are about 14 weeks old, really excited for them to start laying (i am guessing some will start in about 4 weeks based on breed).

Our 9 older hens are slowing down, we were getting about 2 eggs a day (even before the molt) but this week they have been laying better, getting 4-5 per day. I don't know how old they are, they were given to us in late 2020 and were already laying, so at least 2.5 years old... I suspect some are older than that.

They are really fun to watch, I really live my girls:)

Survey_girl 13 points ago +13 / -0

1913? The year the FED was created and the year that federal income taxes were implemented....

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to hear that heart damage sometimes showed up with cold symptoms

It's weird you mentioned that, I was just talking to my dad yesterday. His brother (my uncle) had a heart valve replacement 6 years ago... he used to get yearly sinus infections and after the valve replacement he didn't get any more sinus infections. He is now boosted to the max, and wouldn't you know it, got a bad sinus infection last week.

I had never heard about any correlation to heart problems and colds before, but it seems to be true.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

They would just print more money.... I really don't understand why we pay any taxes if the gov/fed can print trillions every year.

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