SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this info! Well-written, too. Will be spreading this far and wide. Now we know why it's called "the mark of the beast." It's absolute satanic evil.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really, really don't recommend going off sugar and alcohol at same time. Sugar keeps most people in early recovery from relapsing! I was a therapist for many yrs who worked with alcoholics/addicts and I'm in recovery myself for 8 yrs - had 15 before that but relapsed. Sugar helps in early recovery, not good to do too much early in recovery. Same with smoking, don't do it in early recovery from alcohol wait a year or so then try giving up smoking, it will be easier.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

oranges and orange juice also helps greatly as well going for a walk when you crave alcohol. I highly recommend A.A. and getting phone numbers of people to call when the craving starts. AA. is great for helping to talk people down from drinking/drugs. Best of luck! I have almost 8 yrs sobriety. Had 15 yrs but relapsed, I don't recommend it! It gets easier the longer you go without drinking.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried that. Sugar is like a drug and IMO you need to taper off. Sugar is what has helped lots of people quit drinking. It helped me for first 2 yrs. If you go cold turkey off sugar, you may well end up going absolutely bonkers - that's what it did to me. I had to do it slowly and I suspect most folks are like that. When I went cold turkey I was 1.5 yrs sober so hadn't had alcohol in all that time but going cold turkey off sugar is not recommended in my book.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you think that then you have no idea what AA is really like or what a cult is. A closed mind will not help you. THere is nothing cult-like about it, look up symptoms of a cult. A.A. doesn't demand that you do one damn thing, they merely have suggestions and tell you what has worked for people in the past. That is it.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

You never beat an addiction, you can only not drink/do drugs one day at a time but you never lose that addiction. If you indulge in your addiction you will keep on doing it until you again gain the fortitude to quit and that may or may not happen again.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have been in A.A. since 1983. Sorry but they are very insistent that there is nothing you "have" to do - they are very clear about the fact that they have suggestions but you don't have to follow any of them. There is nothing cult-like about them, please look up characteristics of cults. A.A. doesn't require a damn thing from you, but the are there if you want to heal. There are just as many codependents who don't want to heal as there are alcoholics who don't want to heal, at least that's what I've seen. It's not for everyone and they are very clear about that as well. No one is perfect, so if some people gossip about others behind their back they are no different from any other group of people. Some humans will do that kind of thing and not be very nice - deal with it.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't mean they aren't wanting to help others either. In my many years of working in the field as a therapist, vast majority of my coworkers wanted sincerely to help their clients. Only a few were too self-centered to do that, but isn't that true of any job?

SwordOfAthena 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for your intelligent response! I was a therapist for many years. I went into the field because of my own issues and had found some answers so I went back to school to get my master's degree so I could help others. I believe I did help alot of people, at least they told me I did. In my experience, most people really don't understand what therapists do, what their responsibilities are or what we're like. Lots of people think we're crazier than most folks. I would say that is not at all true. I knew a number of very fine individuals who worked in the field and were effective with their clients. It is difficult for alot of people to understand how being raped as a child, for instance, effects your life as an adult in so many ways that many, if not most folks can't even grasp the seriousness of the situation. Sounds like your daughter is coming from a good place and sincerely wants to help others. That is a very good thing! I hope she does well and doesn't have to put up with the idiocy that was inflicted on the poor student who wrote this letter, above. Lastly, kudos to you for raising a child who grew up to have empathy for others and who now wants to help others - you must have done something right!

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the fact that so many "fact checkers" say it's false is very telling. I've found that when lots of fact checkers "debunk" something, it is probably true.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are said to be COUSINS not identical TWINS. Huge difference.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

They started in 1945 and ended in 1949 according to this website: https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/nuremberg-trials

My point is they took four years to bring criminals to justice.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your last line - AGREED! War/civil unrest means anything at all could happen. Military/Trump are in control and they wouldn't be if citizens started bombing govt buildings, trying to arrest crooks etc. - another thing is citizens don't know, by far, who all the crooks are.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many of them won't be able to due to death/sickness from the jab. I am NOT celebrating this, just stating a possible fact.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have a good point; however, I think that Trump (being the smart guy that he is) is backing some RINOs for 2 reasons: 1) so he can expose them to the public then deal with them and 2) so he can get a huge red wave and then control the RINOs so they have to do what he says or suffer consequences, as in - he has all the info he needs on ALL of them. He's been at this a long time, do you really think he wouldn't have collected the dirt on them? I read a few yrs back that he uses DEMON software in his hotels - which is a top notch spy tool. He can get the goods on these rich crooks right in their hotel rooms, (where they hire hookers, rape kids etc.) When he went to Europe to visit Pope, Queen Elizabeth, Israel, etc. he walked in to Pope and Queen and presented all the evidence he'd been collecting for yrs and told them play ball or suffer consequences. I've watched him for 45 yrs - he plays 3D chess brilliantly and has always been warning us about what the deep state has done or is about to do. He knows how they operate and is always 5 steps ahead of them - they are after all, not very bright. Most psychopaths are very dumb but they think they are smarter than everyone else.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree about TGP, they have been heroes covering the fraud ever since 11 3 20. Also agree about the typos, yipes. I suspect they use spell check because it's quicker than to have a person checking everything and they are trying to get the info out as much as possible. They also have almost 2 million people a day visiting their website - more than CNN and other msm. We can't say they don't work hard!

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

And many of those folks will be or are getting jabbed.

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the military is smart enough to save ALL the evidence. The military is very good at this. I also think they will have white hats stationed at the areas where they know cheating occurred - ready to pounce and do whatever they need to do according to the plan.

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