Accountability usually relies on others. Especially were Democrats are concerned.
Ends with WTF as well. 😉
Unusual occurrences in my region of East Texas I've never witnessed before: moths mating Dec 26th, red hornets still buzzing around, geckos and lizards still being seen and not hibernating like reptiles should, apple tree budding with flowers, green leaves still on mulberry trees, Jalapeño plant producing large amounts of peppers when plant should be dead this time of year, having to cut the grass up to this date, amongst many other abnormalities. What have you anons witnessed in your regions that is abnormal?
2A all the way!!! Have fun and be safe.
I'm taking it as: " We have it all." - DJT
50+ years old and never reached a max earning potential of greater than $52 000/year. Never have made over $65000/yr and that's with 2 Bachelor of Science Degrees. Never got higher than E-5 while in the Army. DEI has ruined many lives. Glad to see DEI is finally coming to an end. Too late for me, but DEI ending should benefit others. Do away with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while your at it. 😉
The normies are beginning to put all the pieces together. As a prior healthcare worker for 20+ years, I knew this day would be coming soon. 🍿
All the money that the U.S politicians have been laundering through China over the years has to be justified some way.
Last watch looks like the Marines colors to me 😉.
Tulsi Gabbard is a Klaus Schwab WEF 2004 Young Globalist member as well as a religious cultist Science Identity Foundation member. Is this a good person for the Director of National Intelligence????
Grabbed my 1989 Encyclopedia and looked up "weather modification" under "climate change." Talks about being able to control the "track" of a hurricane as well as cloudseeding being created in the lab in 1946. This crap has been going on under our noses the whole time. Do yourself a favor and grab an older set of encyclopedias before the internet was created in 1990. Public Information has been altered or omitted since day 1 of the interweb. That is all.
There was 11 tornados in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in the same day back when Obama was in office. So yes, it can be done.
I'm of the belief that Covid was a bioweapon released on the U.S. by Chyna. It appears that the 1990 Gulf War was never ended by presidential proclamation or a law passed by Congress to end the Gulf War. Source for this info is on the Veteran Affairs ( website. Just look for war time periods for pension eligibility benefits. All wars listed from the Korean War until the Gulf War have start and end dates. The Gulf War is listed as ongoing. This only leads to the logical conclusion that we have been in a World War for the last 34 years. Many historic and catastrophic events can be explained if this is correct. All I got.
Heard 2028 Olympics LA have just been moved to Bohemian Grove.
81st Stryker Brigade Combat Team
81st Airborne or 81st Infantry Division. Lots of history there.
Yep, in Tennessee on Christmas morning, if not mistaken.
The red heifer will be sacrificed soon.
He was selling us out to China at the same time.
Same here. I had a post about trihalomethane being a known carcinogen in my town's water supply and it got yanked by a moderator "for the greater good of the community..." Shouldn't everyone be made aware of the known carcinogens that the U.S. government allows to be in our drinking water?
Wouldn't want to be anywhere near that laptop in 14 days. It will probably go up in smoke faster than Gov. Kemp's daughter's boyfriend.
Based on his history, he sounds like a true liberal at heart. Just another RINO. No thanks!!!
Having trouble deciphering this one. SME = Subject Matter Expert, AG = Attorney General, MVC = Motor Vehicle Collision, and ARRESTED. So is someone being arrested for that vehicle that got blown up with governor's daughter boyfriend (staffer) in it?
Mexico will be snagged too. USCANMEX trade agreement has already started the the unification of North America. All borders will be dissolved and the "Amero" will become the new currency backed by gold. 👀 🍿