Ok - what did you want to happen ??? How do we know nothing is happening ?? I certainly don’t want to see him getting arrested !! Also in the post — he said Former President — is he really speaking of himself or someone else !! You should know by now everything is coded and optics !! Relax - he’s got this !!!
I’ve always hated Halloween — even as a child - I think I had some kind of intuition and now I hate it even more now because I know what it stands for !!!
When I had my child I thought to myself - how stupid are us parents that spend money on costumes and send your kids to accept candy FROM STRANGERS but the rest of the year telling the kids not to — is that twisted or what. I could buy my child all the candy he wants — I don’t need a stranger giving it to him !!!
And who are you to decide what gets posted ??? If you don’t like it - keep scrolling past the heading!! So if you do believe in flat earth - according to you that information or theory is wrong ??? Acting like judge and jury now ????? Stop being a control freak !!!
Go apologize to your Mom !!! Geeezzz she’s bringing you dinner and you get upset with her?? Control your anger !!! Boy you are very disrespectful !!! How old are you anyways ??? Nothing gives you the right to pull that crap with your Mom !!!!