This her sister?
We don't know the circumstances. But we do know the cowardly terrorists cover themselves with women and children.
So, since we know all that, do you think there should be no retaliation for their crimes? Just let them have a free hand and we just have to watch? Or maybe you think the U.N. will fix it.
You know, or should know, the IDF bends over backwards to avoid civilian deaths. Sometimes it is unavoidable. Now imagine if Hezbollah or Hamas had the assets and capabilities of the IDF. You think there would be a man woman or child left alive in Israel?
Here ya go, Spanky.
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A mosquito can only deliver a minuscule dose. You'd probably have to be bitten a thousand times to receive what a vax could deliver. Forget boosters. That doesn't even address the fact that vaxxes had to be kept at sub-zero temps till just before injection.