People (any age) that are in grass cutting professionally can make very good money - 100k + is pretty attainable for a 1 man operation.
I’m not in it the industry but know some who are. It is no joke - easily overlooked.
Yeah I fully understand. I haven’t written her off.
I do disagree that a cabinet pick always = white hat. It didn’t and doesn’t.
There is a chance she is dan crenshaw 2.0 and just hasn’t stepped out from behind the curtain yet.
Yeah - always possible she is OK - I remain suspicious and would stand by the cult statement after digging into it a bit. No sauce handy but it was some woo-woo shit for sure.
Here is a low effort dig:
“Mike and Carol Gabbard, joined the Science of Identity Foundation (SIF), a Hare Krishna offshoot, when Tulsi was two years old. The SIF is led by guru Chris Butler (Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa), who has been accused of holding Islamophobic and homophobic views.”
The carlyle group working its magic