Maybe, but regardless, it doesn't change what the outcome will be. The relationship is over and it's time to make good things happen. There was a reason this occurred. She clearly isn't a good soul and it's time to go.
I don't know if I missed this somewhere but at any point did she take the shots? The reason I ask is because nearly the exact thing happened to me. I was with my girlfriend for 8 years. After she took the shots, she became a completely different person. Her personality did a total 180. We lived in the same room, slept in the same bed for a few weeks and didn't even talk. Finally, I'd had enough and moved out. It was like there was an aura of evil or a cloud over that house. I swear the shots put a demon in her. It sounds like what happened to your wife.
As far as the legalities go, you need to check what the laws state in your state regarding your situation. Regardless of anything, you need to get on your computer and document EVERYTHING you can remember. Dates, what was spoken about, in as much detail as you can. I would go so far as to get one of those old digital recorders and just keep it hidden in a room or keep it on your person.
Next. Tell your daughter that whatever is happening is not her fault and she is loved. However, don't tell her anything regarding future plans or anything that she may unknowingly tell your wife. As far as the spiritual aspect, she is now taken over by a demonic spirit, and stop holding onto it. Stop holding onto the thing that is poisoning you. She is not the person she used to be. Believe me when I tell you that there are a TON of people going through this exact experience. It's demonic. Do whatever you have to, but get her out of your lives. Hug your daughter and pray with her every night. Keep that spirit from getting inside of her. Evil is real, and we are at war. Stay strong, sir.. You and your daughter will be in a far greater place in due time. It may suck now, but it won't forever.. This to shall pass, and you and your daughter will both be stronger and better people. Keep your head up!!
Apologies for the reference.. But you have to remember who their audience is. It's those who buy the gaslighting, hook, line and sinker. I honestly don't think people understand what's going to happen over the next few years. I also believe that much of it is going to happen sooner than that. It's sort of already started, it's just not being talked about in MSM. The gaslight is two-fold.
- "It's Covid". No it isn't. We know it, and they know it. I feel that the general public is figuring it out as well. They just don't want to talk about it, or even admit it to themselves. It's essentially the highest form of denial you can imagine. I cannot even bring myself to a mental place where if I took the shots and then found out that it was literally poison, knowing that I've all but killed myself. I just don't know when it's going to occur. Then if you told your family to do it and you realize that you talked them into killing themselves too. I can't fathom the guilt I would carry.
My ex-gf was a nurse in management. She was extremely intelligent at the specific area she worked in, as she did it for about 20 years. Looking back on her personality, she was constantly looking for a sense of accomplishment from the doctors around her. As if they would praise her and put her on a pedestal and her ego was over-inflated. When it came time to take the shots or not, she caved. We never actually talked about it, but she knew my views. Things in our relationship were rocky for other reasons and we split for a few weeks. During that time, she took the shot. Part of it I feel was a retaliation and part of it was because she didn't want to be looked down upon from all those people who had put her on that pedestal. She then started eating horribly and drinking regularly. She wasn't the healthiest of people, but I make quality food. I honestly think over time she realized what she had done to herself and talked her family into doing, as everyone in her family thought she could do no wrong when it came to the medical field. So they all took the shots. And they all got sick. Needless to say, I'm not in that situation any longer.
The second part of the gaslight is them talking like this "composting" is somehow a "green option". If I rolled my eyes any more, they'd be in the back of my head. I would ask how stupid are these people, but we already know. And when people are dying faster than we can put them in the ground, maybe then they will figure it out. But it's already too late. Which leads me to why I also believe they are trying to roll out another "disease". I think that those who took the shots have such a compromised immune system that any major challenge to their bodies will result in death. And the DS probably has at least one if not many other poisons that, when released, will kill those with compromised immune systems. And those numbers will eclipse the "covid" numbers. Those of us who resisted will be the once to deal with the fallout and rebuild this place when the dust settles. I'm 47 and used to never want kids. About 2 years ago, I started changing my thought process. Now i know why. Whenever it's supposed to happen, I'll find the woman who I'm supposed to be with and I will help to repopulate this place and raise my children properly.
That is a bit long-winded and some of it off topic but it goes to the character of the people who bought into everything. My own sister and her husband as well. So soon it will just be me. She is the only blood family I have left. And she is all caught up on her shots. It's sad for me to say this but I'm waiting for the phone call. Her, her husband, her son, his wife and both of their kids, have all had the shots. And they are all completely oblivious to reality and all hard core leftists. I cannot even be around them anymore. I'm sure my folks are rolling in their graves about now. But I will be the one who carries on the true family legacy. I saw through the lies thanks to a clear mind and being an ANON even before all this insanity occurred.
I honestly think that we are in for something far worse than the "holocaust". You think those numbers were bad? I am actually curious about something. I'm no chemist nor biologist. But I'm guessing that if someone took all the shots and was full of poison, would "cremation" destroy that poison? Would their be any residual poison in the ashes that would make its way into soil, air, or water?
I disagree. Just let them all fail. We are the news now. Even the fake ones in the truth movement will be shown for what they are. The truth always rises to the top. It may take some time, but it always happens. There's no reason for him to throw money down a bottomless hole for zero return. He already has TRUTH and we provide true news. Once the censorship is gone, the rest will take care of itself. They will collapse under the weight of their own BS. And it will be fun to watch.
Can confirm. I started eating mostly red meat and salmon for a few months. My blood work was always pretty good but when I told my doc what my diet was and he saw my blood work, he def had an eyebrow raise moment. It's hilarious and sad at the same time that it's coming to the point where we are smarter than they are. I've come to learn that just because someone has letters behind their name, does NOT make them more intelligent. Even the new "doctors" running the men's clinics pushing testosterone. I've been in that realm for decades and I've forgotten more than those idiots will ever know. But that's another topic. YES to carnivore.
I love intermittent fasting. I fasted for about 30 hours once and believe me, my brain was NOT firing on all 8 cylinders. From what I hear, that passes after a while and is different for everyone. But it was an odd experience
I live by 10mm, but to each their own. They all get the job done.
He doesn't. And biden cannot remove anything from anyone because he's not the lawful president. It's all part of the show. President Trump is the CIC. No "clearance" is above that.
Do you think I'm going to have that outlook forever? Uh no! This bullshit will eventually end. But I'm not going to get caught with it being extremely difficult to next to impossible to get home, just so I can go somewhere temporarily. Where I live, there are plenty of places I can travel to for vacation that are within my personally set travel restrictions. My home is my castle. If people want to give me hell for not wanting to travel a certain distance until this crap is over (and it will be) then let them talk. I don't give AF what others think. I do what I want, when I want, with whom I want. You think the "government" restricts me? Nope. But I'm not going to get put in a situation that prevents me from getting back home due to the inability to acquire fuel for my vehicle or if there's some sort of major world event. I'd rather not have to defend myself just to get home. I've already seen this country just about from corner to corner. I'll hop back off my soapbox now. And I appreciate your sentiments on the animals. My dogs are my world. I do have to travel about 4 hours from home one way some times and have a friend come and let them out in the middle of the day and I still worry about them. I'm 47, never married and no kids. So they are my kids for the time being, until I find a woman worthy of having kids with. Hasn't happened yet. But when God wants it to, it will. I do live a pretty good life. Paid off truck, financially comfy, near perfect credit score(not that it really means much considering the system is rigged), and paid off credit cards and steak nearly every night... I'm living well.
No offense intended, but every time I hear/read this sort of thing I have to ask why people still fly. I've told all of my clients that I no longer fly. And not only do I not fly any longer, I refuse to travel, for any reason, beyond one tank of gas away from home. I dated a girl for nearly 10 years that I split up with after she took the shots and her personality completely changed. She was in upper management at a hospital and completely caved to the shots. And she looked down on me for not taking them. After a while I could tell that she was jealous of me for having the strength to stand up for myself. we used to travel to Florida from the middle of the country to go on vacation at least once a year. When the mask crap started, I told her I wasn't going anywhere any longer. She said that she "wasn't going to live in fear'. Well I don't live in fear. I live in reality. I'm now living on my own with my two dogs and I haven't been happier in years. But again, I guess I've never been in corporate America so I don't have to "fly for work". And seeing all the issues with the planes, and those that never make the news, is just more of a reason to never fly again. What I don't understand is what type of work do people do that requires them to fly that can't be done now via video?
Agreed.. I miss Field McConnell and David Hawkins. RIP David!! I was a part of their chat and it was awesome. Sidebar.. I don't think Field ever got arrested. I think he was put in Wittsec. I do however, believe that David did pass away. But the two of them together was so fun.
I like both frank and beanz. HOWEVER, they both get way too hung up on time. "We've only got another 5 minutes to cover _____. No you don't.. You have all the time you want. You aren't timing up to the news at the bottom or top of the hour, and you don't work at a radio station. You're running a podcast and can run it for as long as you want. I just roll my eyes whenever either one of them says this. It's just laughable.
RIP Dale Earnhart Sr.. I still remember where I was when I heard. He was and will always be King.
Amen to this!! Sometimes my brain just needs to decompress. I love just driving in silence. It's very therapeutic.
That beast just looks evil..
Since the I-40 bridge was hit in the past and repaired/reinforced, they knew they couldn't take that one down with a simple hit. I'm betting they tried to take this one down too, but it was unsuccessful. Moving forward, I would hope boats going under most bridges should have an escort of some sort.
Not all of them stand around here.
Predictive Programming?
Cruise ship attack? It's just a matter of time.
I don't think we are going to have to after this election season. I firmly believe that the way things are in this country are going to change for the better very soon. Now, I'm sure I'll get a lot of heat for this but I really don't care. In the future there will be no "parties".
All valid points.
I could be absolutely wrong about this, but...
I don't think "Operation Warp Speed" is what people think it is/was.
Generally speaking, those who stockpile on "supplies" have also stocked up on ammo. Probably not the ones you want to turn on. And before you say that guns are not allowed in NY, well, true patriots don't follow man's laws.
If you want to boycott smartly, you should refuse to deliver to/from New York. Exit the state and don't come back. With no trucks, nothing gets done. However, before you leave, feel free to pull some European tactics and dump plenty of cow dung at the capitol. Any trucker boycott opens the door for a FF. I wouldn't be anywhere near a group of anything in that state.
I have nothing to base this on, but IMO, I think that was all an act. I could also be 100% wrong.
I have a sister who was a bean pole in her youth, and has a job that she sits at a desk all day now. She's early 60s and son is an amateur bodybuilder/personal trainer. He and I both have tried to help her with diet/exercise but she just won't believe us. Actually I think she does, but she has zero will power. She makes great money and can afford whatever food she wants. Eats like absolute crap and guess what she started recently??? Oh they make a shot now that will drop weight?? She will pay whatever the cost if it means not having to stop eating whatever she wants or do anything that involves effort. I can just feel her BP go up whenever I bring up my diet and how easy it is and how much better I feel. I've learned to just focus on me and shake my head whenever she talks about good ole Ozempic. I'm just done with people. Oh, and if it wasn't obvious, she is fully jabbed. But I'm fairly certain her whole family, including her 2 grand kids are too.. It's just sad.
Sum of all Fears? Anyone?