The Quickening. People felt it many years ago and it began to be called The Quickening. I recall even Art Bell discussing it. People felt an urgency they couldn't explain.
This guy kinda spearheaded the ones in So Fla. His neighbors complained about a Trump flag on his dock. So he wrapped his boat instead. Here he is upon his triumphant return:
House of Saud are not arabs either.
Whether you can believe it or not, some women are not able to use anything internally. Just because you can put things inside you and feel nothing doesn't mean literally every other woman on the planet can. Unbelievable that you have to be taught this.
Gymnema Sylvestre, the "Sugar Destroyer"
Choose your fighter!
That sounds efficient and smart to me, not lazy.
This couple waa active with the Clintons in Haiti as well.
Bipartisanship is your wife and your attorney getting together and deciding you have a problem.
"All three", thank you very much.
I wondered why he hired so many Clinton attorneys to help him in his investigation. I wondered if that would lead to a conflict that renders these attorneys unable to defend her now.
Do you not know what AIDS stands for???? Its NOT "auto immune". Jesus Christ. You keep conflating two very different things. For fucks sake.
This would make rhe purging of patriots make sense for a number of reasons.
Subscribe. Fascinating.
Lovely post. We all need this reminder from time time.
I don't know what she looked like younger but if she had an upper blepharoplasty and too much skin was removrd, her eyes would appear sunken like this in old age.
Bidens earlobes is another fun one because one is more attached than the other. This is called pixie ear and is a complication of a not so great facelift that anchored the tightened skin improperly.
Theorized that she is as her emblem or seal was removed from the gate of a palace some time ago (not sure if its back up) and art was being removed from her castle (s) for something or other. Some think she's long dead, but the death will be used at the right time for the DS, a la Papa Bush and Ginsburg funerals.
MIL was not required to lose an ounce of her 300 pounds for either knee replacement.
Think pizza toppings at ping pong.
And I had this exact same thought about the wet cat food but it never left my head as I didnt want to give that thought life. I don't want it validated but we seem to be on the same wavelength here.
I heard it as "long pork", and could never forget that either.
Just popping in to mention Sytrinol!
That's why Yuri said the useful idiots are the first to be lined up out back and shot.
Sealed excitements - If thats a typo I still like it!
Free speech starts to happen next, or it continues to tank and Trump buys it, right after buying CNN.