thank you so much! finally found it here:
62 VAX ETHNIC CLEANSING: HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra confirms vaccines are KILLING BLACKS and LATINOS at “two times the rate of white Americans”
Appear to be accurate.
Thank you very much! All your work & effort is greatly appreciated!
Thank you! Am so thankful you are still able to capture these. Very much appreciated
We used to have chickens .... about 40 was our top number. they require constant work - watering & feeding daily. our solution - we have a neighbor that raises chicken, so we get our eggs from them! if things go really bad - we can barter for their eggs. win/win for both of us.
I couldn't believe how everybody was fawning over Obumer - was actually sickening! And joe ... just walking around like the dementia addled person he is. But, when i start to feel bad for him i remind myself of all the evil he has perpetrated on innocent children and that goes away!
oh my lord! i thought this was a joke lolololol. Our society is seriously f'kd up!
personally ... i don't see a rich crackhead trying to get ANYTHING fixed. he would just tell someone to get him a new one. they have always had a buttload of money and "repair" is something people who work for a living do.
I heard California is already planning on limiting EV charging during the coming (summer) months
Anyone claiming to have intel is immediately sus for me. ‘No outside comms’
Eat Texas here. 👆have been seeing this EXACT same thing. Pasta has been out for a while - couple months best i remember.
Still waiting also 243,XXX. Did the sms verification last week
Nice! Good job
Justice is not the same as jail.
Excuse my ignorance, but it doesn’t say “the map” it says MAP. As in “Master Action Plan”? possibly IDK but …. Who really does lol
LOLOLOL - I just watched this episode last night! too funny
Very well stated & IMO spot-on!
- 50/50 but rising
- going up
- absolute
- too soon ... people are hesitant to admit this to themselves
- yes - has to be before midterms
- yes
- no - there is no need. job has been done. these are just my gut feelings. take with a grain of salt because i started prepping for TEOTWAWKI when obummer was in office lololol
way too late to save him IMO