Texastornado 8 points ago +8 / -0

exactly the same thing i have been thinking...all of fjb's responses have been pre-recorded and will be fed thru the 2-minute delay, as if it's a LIVE response...this is bullshit!

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

anybody else thinking that "the debate" has already been pre-recorded, and just going to be fed-back by cnn, since won't be live-time streaming?

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

raw-and-unfiltered honey is great for many uses, been taking plastic spoonful at nite...supposedly gives your "fasting" body enough nutrients to do repair work on liver, kidneys, gut, etc (i am not dispensing medical advice)... few years ago, my old bull mastiff was having urinary and other issues, and i was having to consider EU, so thought, why not try honey...worked like magic, immediately stopped urinary issues, and he started acting like a puppy again! he had recent bloodwork, so i knew he wasn't diabetic, before offering honey...a friend had an old dog in same type of situation, and the honey gave his dog about two years "extra" life, same as my dog...(not dispensing veterinarian advice either)...having those last couple of years with beloved dogs was great...(i think i read honey is not good for cats, though)

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

and the fed ed system produced a bunch of shit heads, from that toilet, imo...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Teachers Union is a large organization voting block...imo

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

i applaud this "grand decision" for today and the future...how about retroactively awarding prior olympic medals to the biological women who were forced to compete against bio-males who never should have been there to begin with...while we can never make up for the ones who should have won in their gender competitions, and the theft of their titles, just do the right thing now...if bio-males are allowed to compete in "women's sports" then why have women's sports classifications at all...oh yeah, Title IX does matter!

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

FASCINATING interview...hadn't intended to watch the whole thing, but couldn't stop! I've never heard most of what was discussed here, even having lived through it! Great historical perspectives, viewpoints I had never heard before or even thought about...entertaining, convincing and definitely worth every minute!

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

was just gonna ask how many of us scrolled down to see if there was a "hang-y down-y" out from under that short skirt...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

made me wonder if the state/fed capitol bldgs have rotundas to accommodate the rotund politicians...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

higher education today is producing huge debts, for studies that may be interesting or popular today, that will not be useful for a JOB...(oops, there's that nasty 3-letter word, sorry to offend...not) and to pay the "educators" to spout such drivel...just imo, and wondering if these people are born with that smirk, or are educated to develop it??

Texastornado 23 points ago +23 / -0

was just thinking same thing about this brave man of God, saying aloud the parts that the vatican doesn't want told...full armor of God is needed here!

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

imo, so many of the people who experienced the AZT consequences are now long since passed, so the historical connection was lost...iirc, the AZT thing didn't even crop up until lately, with research going back into fauci's many decades of diabolical deeds...who would have even believed this now, if he hadn't used the same playbook?

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

June 19 in1865, a ship landed in Galveston with the news of the Emancipation Proclamation, which was signed on January 1 in 1863...at the time, according to local Galveston lore, the blacks claimed that they were intentionally held in slavery for the extra yr+, before they were allowed to have the info that they were free...the term Juneteenth was created/celebrated primarily in Texas locally for a long time, before it caught national attention as THE freedom day...back in mid 1800's Texas was a wild and dangerous land, without regular communications resources, so Galveston, being known as "the Wall Street of the Southwest" was the hub for business, until the 1900 hurricane took out most of the town.

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

she was a pre-teen twelve year old little girl, NOT "young lady" as he had described! and he was a 20-something year old grown man!

Texastornado 6 points ago +6 / -0

watch this movie "Dallas Buyer's Club" starring Matthew McConaughey, I think fairly recent movie, and 100% accurate...i know this is a factual representation of what was really happening, with AZT being the killer; and smuggled interferon was truly helping...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

prayers for all of the farmers and ranchers out there...having to battle every season for survival...was just thinking that this may be "the hill to die on" for your rights, because, if you are deprived of the needed water, you're dead anyhow, metaphorically speaking, with no crop, no income, can't pay your property taxes and your family heritage will be "gone with the wind" anyhow...just a thought, and pray that it doesn't come to this decision for y'all...God bless, you don't have much time to settle this issue...

Texastornado 11 points ago +11 / -0

iirc, the IRS was never formalized into law, but i could be mistaken on that...i much prefer a "consumption tax" (sales tax) because if you can afford to buy expensive items, you'll pay more taxes than the rest of us who are barely getting by...and those "non-citizens" will hafta pay the same sales tax just like citizens...just my opinion...

Texastornado 10 points ago +10 / -0

I can recommend JMBullion.com...used for many years, always excellent service and products, sometimes special sales, free freight over $199, and I think you can set up recurring purchases...suggest you stay with the 1 oz, nothing fancy, just least expensive ones over spot price, maybe some half oz, qtr oz later on, but stick with basics, imo. good luck and have fun stacking for your future! oh yeah, and i think i saw that they have a special "starter set" of 10 oz for spot price, for new customers...happy hunting!

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is one of my pet peeves..."no problem" ...in my experience, chic-fil-a employees use "my pleasure" or something similar, but never "no problem"...employees in my own company learned on day one, NEVER say "no problem" as a reply to a customer thanking them...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

out here in the wilds of North Texas, we buy "red fox urine" and use it to spray in places we don't want mice/snakes to go...amazon has it, up to gallon size, and stinks to high heaven, oil-based, i think...good luck

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

In TX, the "county judge" is not really a judge in a legal sense, more like "county administrator"...this whole barge thing is really sketchy, to me, having lived on Galv Island for a dozen years...weird area for a barge, imo...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

wow, very well described...i just wanted to add that i have known plenty of really badass women who feel/would act the same way, when pushed to the brink...there's a big difference between "red hot anger" and "cold white anger", both of which i have experienced myself, and will never forget the feeling...no violence involved in either instance, but my words were enough to get the message across...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

excellent presentation, thought through fully...and being in my 70's I can look back to see the evolution of the "daddy-state" with LBJ's welfare system, which displaced the father-figure in the family, imo...and so many other things that started out as a wonderful convenience has morphed into slavery-like dependence, aka, cell phone, or my "electronic appendage" as i call it...i recall when this thing called "windows" totally changed the computer age, making it easy for anyone to be able to use a computer...then "e-mail" was a shock, had to be explained to me several times before i understood it was real! the world seems too much and too fast, and i long for the good ol' days of being a kid in the '50's, what innocence we had back then...

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