Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

i have serious doubts that .5% is correct...thinking more like .005% honestly, if even THAT high...these few in front of the cameras are just about all there are, imo...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

THANK YOU for posting this...i had forgotten all about that series...loved it!

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

well, I would LOVE to see this film, but detest going to a theater...anybody know if/when it will be on pay per view or otherwise available to the public? for the sake of safety and mobility, some of us just don't want to be inside a theater complex...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

speaking of traveling, CB always had plenty of large vehicle (rv/trailer) behind their stores, so was convenient for travel stop...these woke companies have absolutely no idea who their customer base is...another "unforced error" ...not sure if their stores are company-owned or franchise owned, but i feel bad for all franchise owners who sunk their hard earned cash or did huge loan, just to have a company decide to go woke/u broke...same happened to Subway years ago when corp hired convict Michael Vick to represent them...animal people stopped going there immediately, never been back...

Texastornado 12 points ago +12 / -0

same, about two weeks +, very strong, like a "defining moment" in my 70+ years being a Christian...way far more than being "born again" which happened for me several decades ago...this was a "GOD LOVES ME" actualization, amazing and life-changing...depth i have never before experienced!

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

so happy that you survived after jumping overboard to save them, just to come up empty-handed...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

loved Rocky and the Tiger...excellence in action, Uncle Fester...thank you muchly...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

Godfather III, the ballroom scene with all of the heads of THE families meeting, and iirc a helicopter causes all kinds of calamity...only a few escape...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crimson Trace is the only red line i pay any attention to...would rather have had green, for distance, but red does nicely for me...

Texastornado 0 points ago +2 / -2

"the taste and scent of a woman" has nothing to do with lipstick or perfume, does it really? fresh and clean works every time!

Texastornado 7 points ago +7 / -0

interesting point you bring up...why, exactly, is it called "makeup"? my objection for decades! why do we teach young women that they are not perfectly beautiful as they are, and do not need to "MAKE UP FOR" any perceived deficit they envision??? guys are fine just as they are, no need to make up for any deficit, but young women must "make up" for not looking like kardashian?? to me it's philosophically and psychologically damaging to girls/women's psyches...imo

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

gotta be a hoax...not even overflowing yet...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our President Trump has uncountable support from the formerly "silent majority" that now steps up, boycotts wokesters, and is present for rallies, impromptu support gathering roadsides, curbs and flotillas...each of us, in our own way as we are able, contribute to let 45 know that we are still here, we appreciate all he has done, and given up for his love of America...have we figured out a suitable name for ourselves yet? i had to say to a friend, i am NOT a republican, i am an America First Trump voter!

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey, you brought up something interesting here in Texas...now that AG Paxton is under fire, removed from AG office, even temporarily, for whatever reason is being used, wonder if Louie Gohmert can be appointed in by Gov Abbott? Love Louie!

Texastornado 1 point ago +3 / -2

lotta californicators moving into my beloved TX...town nearby is a microcosm of the trend, and it ain't for the better...never heard so many rude horn honkings going on ever around these rural parts! almost had a throwdown in grosto parking lot couple weeks ago, somebody wanting my parking space that i was in...damn carpetbaggers!

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

EXCELLENT TODAY, Uncle Fester!!! and boy, did we need those laughs! thanks a million!

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

well, i stayed with her till the 17sec mark, under duress...elected??? imagine what elected her! i think i slipped 17 points of my IQ just now...damn id10t...this must be the new BLM type of thing...trans lives matter??? gimme a f'n break!

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

well, thanks a LOT...you just made me spit my coffee all over my desk...lol, great comment!

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

unforced errors?? unintended consequences?? i'll go with utter ignorance and arrogance "walks hand in hand, and trips over its' own dick"...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tito's Vodka, from Texas, is reasonably priced and has beat out the high dollar brands in blind taste tests...i don't drink vodka, but i hear it's good, just fyi, might be worth a try...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

"if you suck a ... woman's penis" is a phrase wayyy beyond my comprehension level...

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