TheDollarGeneral 18 points ago +21 / -3

You are the sole reason I don't regular this site man. Your influence and takes are often just so terrible and unbeareble and the crassness, I'd just rather not. I've worked both directly related fields for 15 years now you are completely ignorant. You are an unbearable ass to me, insomuch I just dodge the site now. It's a husk of its former self, I think it's largely thanks to your influence coming from this spirit you have active here you that carry with you all the time. Sheesh.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +2 / -1

True though for a change, let em run it.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's unpractical to many who are living a humble and as a result a often dirty life. The most God serving people I know, are working hard in jeans and such and sometimes don't have time to clean up before service due to life happening. My most recent pastor, cattle farmer. Would sometimes have to get messy before even coming into the service on regardless of the day. He was working a full time factory job while running the farm to help the church folks and pay for the old barbershop building we were renting as home base to have services and go to the poorest areas of town immediately after every service, and give the gospel. (The barber shop was there already so easy walks). Guess how those people are dressed? Guess how it comes off with the 'long coats'? It's the ghettos man...We serve God, and it gets us dirty, I go to Church to serve and work for Him. Not to look good for the already saved folk. I ought to just wear overalls as it's more fitting, cause I'm there to work, serve and get dirty. Not play society.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol nah, I don't go back and forth on the internet. I say my piece and move on. So this will be the last of this. I don't have interest with people caught up in the weeds. Playing purity, who are too Holy for God to use very much. I've had it with those folks, clothes fixation is an obvious start. Have a good one, you are the one honking at my words saying I'm hostile. I tell you my experience with who is willing to actually do work for the Lord and give strangers the gospel. If that's you, I don't care one bit. Honk all you want guy. Adios.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm read up, I used the term derogatory as He. Legalism, by the lawyers. Letter rather than spirit, locked in a ministration of death rather than life. Posture away with the world. I'm uninterested, so are all the useful for God people I know.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +2 / -1

Weirdos fixated on outward appearances and having "long coats" so to speak, that's who. Pharisees.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good job. 78ish hours seems to be the sweetspot for me. With deep autophagy accessed for ~ a day or so at that point. More than that would routinely decrease my energy and mood to problematic levels.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now that's tactical flaws. Red cross red must be included in the next array.

TheDollarGeneral 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tactical retreats. Families shouldn't have to stay in a forsaken libshit hole for the "sake of the state", we've got 50 of em. We Americans didn't chicken run from Britain, and nobody would say we didn't stay to fight. Too much broad generalization here. I understand the sentiment though.

TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +8 / -0

You are right, it is odd for Pence to offer much worth mention to Miller. Only thing I can think of is if Pence's upcoming ability (at the time) to allow himself to be hated and roasted by patriots for years until a reveal (if he's good). Otherwise, deservse the gallows.

TheDollarGeneral 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol infighting, coming from the Canadian that wants to shit on America? Color me shocked, that you just simply don't get it.

TheDollarGeneral 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ive looked in the mirror and to that I say booooo, shame on you. America has been the best, don't ever forget it. That's why we are under such seige. It's still not illegal here to say the Jews killed Jesus. Your country is ruled over in a way we are still not yet, and ideally won't ever be. Stay pissed and do something about it. In the mean time pray to God we continue to hold this thin line and you have someone to help pull you out of this mess we are all falling in.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

o7 amen brother, our works are to been seen separate from salvation, as much as linen (flax/works) and wool (lamb/salvation) were to be separated as an image of our works separated fully from our grace based salvation in the OT. Good things but inappropriate to mingle the two given that context. They both have their place, but don't mix em. We gotta get out of His way, for our own salvations sake.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

Repent means to turn, from one thing to another. It has to be categorical though and that's what people seem to miss. You don't repent from a Gas Station to a Dollar General for gas. Just like you wouldn't turn from your sins to Jesus for salvation they are different things. Nobody is trusting their sins to get them to heaven. You turn from whatever you are trusting for heaven, be it a false god or works. You cease from your works solely resting in His finished work (in context of earning it) on the cross. This doesn't mean sin is fine and dandy, but it's not salvific except from saving your flesh of His chastisement of His Sons to further conform us to the image of the Son.

You won't find "repent of your sins" in phrasing in the text, you'll find demands to repent, and the context dictates what's being repented of. People just plug in "of your sins" due to historical works based teachings teaching them to do that with the term.

TheDollarGeneral 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, it's a non good news "gospel". Their good news is, now that your aware, earn it. These people mix carnal salvation in this flesh passages with spiritual. They mingle non-salvific passages with salvific. Then become the very man in James 2 that demands to see works for proof of salvation, as if it's what God says and not a man like James is saying. James 2 is about showing MEN your faith by your works not God. Because he's asking what does our salvation profit unsaved men of we don't demonstrate our faith via works to them? They can't see our heart like God. God is only pleased with HIS finished work on the cross. We do not add to or take away. But we become Sons of God and seen without sin a second time like it or not folks praise God He made it easy.

TheDollarGeneral 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, work outside. Do something that's not redundant, restrictive movements you can do without weights. Body weight exercise. Pitiful mentality. FIGHT don't roll over by convenience and unbeatable deals. God gave you an unbeatable deal, FREE body weight exercises. Smh. If Facists are fighting us, within some form of Capitlism, FIGHT BACK ACCORDINGLY. By choosing not to participate.

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