God bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
Don’t forget “very fine people on both sides, and I don’t mean the neo-nazi’s and white supremacists” became “Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people’”
This is the kind of stuff that shows that the MSM are treasonous bastards that all need to hang. What really gets to me is that there are still so many sheeple who read and believe the shit these news agencies put out.
His comments have been taken out of context. . .video of speech indicates he was referring to the potential demise of the auto industry. What losers these liberals be.
The nation is bathed in the blood of the innocent already. Thanks to the treasonous people running amok. It's there blood they fear will be spilled. Tell them not to fear, a rope keeps the blood from draining from all but their brains amd that blood is on their own heads as the suicide themselves with ever unrighteous act against the innocent.
It benefits the white hats. Every time you see something like this, ask yourself who it benefits, the white hats, or the black hats. For example, look at Joe Biden. Does his addled self help or hurt the deep state. I think it's pretty obvious it is helping the white hats. So now, ask yourself another question, why does the deep state leave him in to expose how bad he really is? Because, the white hats are in control, and there is nothing they can do about it. We all know darn well, they would shoot him while wearing a maga hat if they could.
🤡"BlOoDBaTh"🤡 taken out of context in the way..
HCQ was taken out of context and became 🤡"iNjEcTiNg bLeAcH"🤡,
IVM became 🤡"hOrsE pAsTe"🤡
A dangerous experimental injection became 🤡"sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe"🤡
Good observation!
God bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
Don’t forget “very fine people on both sides, and I don’t mean the neo-nazi’s and white supremacists” became “Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people’”
Spot on fren
Reporting this out of context is election interference.
Just comic relief.
This is the kind of stuff that shows that the MSM are treasonous bastards that all need to hang. What really gets to me is that there are still so many sheeple who read and believe the shit these news agencies put out.
His comments have been taken out of context. . .video of speech indicates he was referring to the potential demise of the auto industry. What losers these liberals be.
Here’s the video clip... US Auto Industry IS in shambles, has been for decades.
@KarliBonne https://truthsocial.com/users/AmericanTrident76/statuses/112110945841650420
They only know how to cheat, lie, and steal! So they fit in with their constituents!
No. They "suicide" in bathtubs to not make a mess.
Especially bathing in the blood of dead children.
Maybe he's trolling them on purpose with these saucy terms. We all love watching libs flip out.
Yeah, you know he was setting the dumbasses up! Master Troll!
That thought crossed my mind too. 😂
How about we just keep posting responses with pics of Marina Ambramivic drenched in blood?
Or Anthony Bourdain?
Or any other celeb just randomly drenched in blood?
Marina Abramovic has entered the chat
Looks like Elon even got into the fray! 😄
Remember the “Summer of Love” riots and cities burning in 2020? All caused by the left? Projection much?
The nation is bathed in the blood of the innocent already. Thanks to the treasonous people running amok. It's there blood they fear will be spilled. Tell them not to fear, a rope keeps the blood from draining from all but their brains amd that blood is on their own heads as the suicide themselves with ever unrighteous act against the innocent.
All 10,000 people who paid attention to this crap are now energized. The 200 million who ignored it are unaffected.
We need to ask this question. If the media is so worried about a bloodbath, how come they aren't pushing for peace in Ukraine?
Same here in Switzerland. It‘s ridiculous.
Looking forward to coffeebreak talks on monday in the office. 😂
The Party Line was broadcast from Deep State Central, and the official propaganda organs picked up on it at once.
Are they trying to tell us what's going to happen if Trump wins, (mirror)?
Such low effort.
What could be his motive?
It benefits the white hats. Every time you see something like this, ask yourself who it benefits, the white hats, or the black hats. For example, look at Joe Biden. Does his addled self help or hurt the deep state. I think it's pretty obvious it is helping the white hats. So now, ask yourself another question, why does the deep state leave him in to expose how bad he really is? Because, the white hats are in control, and there is nothing they can do about it. We all know darn well, they would shoot him while wearing a maga hat if they could.
Not referring to anything in a figurative way, he is being literal.
See it in the light of him also saying 'some migrants are not human'
Watch this
Then imagine more than one, weaponized.....................
True though for a change, let em run it.
Yep, that's the word for the day. Sounds scary, doesn't it?
We need to ask this question. If the media is so worried about a bloodbath, how come they aren't pushing for peace in Ukraine?
Take your dooming bullshit elsewhere.