TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +1 / -1

They cheat at the local level too. That’s the problem. Nobody has faith in the system and if you challenge it they will simply destroy what life you have.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d like to see him partner with the blaze and bongino. That’s a team to be reckoned with considering what they put up with from the mudocks.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh please. He is not defending Disney. He is just attacking Ron to put the lime light on Disney. This movie is called, “the guardians of the pedophiles.” Playing in real life on a device near you! Get your 🍿

TheGreatPumpkin 5 points ago +6 / -1

They will cry, “that’s waycist!”

TheGreatPumpkin 4 points ago +4 / -0

How else do you get the left to trust you? You say shit they want to hear. Does no one understand how undercover work goes down? You must be your enemy before they let their guard down.

TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +1 / -1

75 comes from the fact that they did not use an American calendar in those days. It’s all in revelation and Daniel. Plain as day. Chronological order. And confirmed in many other scriptures that the timeline is flawless. It is exact every time. Sun and moon first! Pay attention when reading in context. Don’t take pastor bobs word for it. It blew my mind when I realized it. It’s what originally woke me up. Use a Jewish calander and add up the days mentioned and you will see exactly to the week what will take place. It’s not distorted by a people, it is distorted by false teachers who lack study. I am not claiming you to be this I am just saying, I once was lost and now I am found. Was blind but now I see. I studied for myself and took all preconceived notions and traditions out. I found out that the old fundamentalist have it right. The old fire and brimstone preachers were right up until the corporate mega seminaries too over in the 16-1700’s. It’s always been about control. It is the enemies forte. You control people by telling them they can do whatever they want and if they will just repeat a little prayer all their dreams will come true. It is another gospel!

TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah and they give it exactly. 3.5 years in after the the abomination the sun and moon are darkened the dead in Christ rise and all who are alive and remain are caught up (transformed in the blink of an eye). It’s always the same. Then a period of about 75 days takes place. If not for Christ shortening those days then no flesh would be saved. It is appointed once for man to die!

TheGreatPumpkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it’s 20 per year. They have to pay him between 60-100 million to honor the contract which has 3 years left on it.

TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh here we go with Matthew preaching to Jews. Yes Matthew was written to Jew, but this book was written to Christian converts. When Christ instructs John to write to the churches in revelation he speaks of those he saw at the alter crying how long until God avenges their blood on earth. The angel tells them to wait until the rest of the martyrs are killed. Why would Christ say the sun and moon should be darkened first? Only for the Jews? He came to his own and they received it not. The same is repeated over and over that we would see the abomination. It is in the Old Testament as well as the new. This timeline never changes. It is the same in all the books mentioned. You are to overcome the flesh. Not expect God to save your flesh. It is spiritual. When you are changed in the blink of an eye then you will see. When the veil of flesh is lifted and you realize that we were created from the earth and will remain with the earth in the flesh. It is appointed once for man to die after this is the judgment. We will die. We have to. If I use your logic then why has Christ allowed the persecution of his church ( Bride) as long as he has already? Because the martyrs are waiting on the rest of us. They are asleep waiting for Christ to raise them from the dead. Then those who are alive and remain are transformed in the blink of an eye. Once the antichrist declares all who hold the testimony of Christ to be put to death it is said that if Christ dosnt shorten those days then no flesh would be saved. This is in a time span of about 75 days after the abomination. The Jews who have claimed him as the messiah will realize they were wrong. War is waged at that point on Jews and Christian’s because it is at that point they realize that Jesus was their messiah and because of the two witnesses many will get saved. But it’s about 75 days until Christ and the saints following him unleash hell on earth as they pour out The Wrath of God on all who took the mark and worshiped the beasts image. Jewish calendar and parallel scripture confirms this timeline over 20 biblically. Christ told us they would kill is because they hate him!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Johnson county is liberal? Isn’t that Olathe? Right outside KC? Figured they’d be mostly conservative.

TheGreatPumpkin -1 points ago +1 / -2

25 million offer from oan. Fox was paying him 20 million. How is it 3 times what fox was paying if it is only 5million more?

TheGreatPumpkin 4 points ago +5 / -1

She was not without sin. That is nowhere to be found in scripture. Only one fulfilled Gods law and that was Jesus. She was as much a sinner as the rest of us.

TheGreatPumpkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good luck. Hope your not stuck in a liberal state. I’m in the south where I am happy.

TheGreatPumpkin 3 points ago +4 / -1

Mary lives in the spirit not in the flesh. And no there is nowhere in scripture that says she is the new Eve. She was the blessed mother of Jesus and as the rest of us, she was sinful. Only one was perfect. Only one was worthy. She was just a vessel to bring Christ into the world. Jesus never once put any focus on Mary in his ministry.

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