TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol "complicated" bro it's a BSoD. Literally the single easiest thing to find when testing. Dudes an idiot

TheMAGAnificent 18 points ago +18 / -0

I swear sometimes people don't think critically. Why would the FBI director sit behind the president during perhaps the most publicized event since 2001? It never made sense. She's just going to sit behind the president and what she expected to be the most infamous event since 9/11, or she would be directly in the photos?

TheMAGAnificent 8 points ago +8 / -0

I posted this some time back and some got mad, but I still think it's true

Alex Jones is a honeypot plant and does nothing for the movement

TLDR AJ is what normies think Q is: a centralized, conspiracy faucet meant to placate right-wingers from taking action, or used to track actions of radical conspiracy theorists.

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

And stay out of the Woolsworth!

Never not think of O Brother when I hear that name

TheMAGAnificent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Crowdstrike (coincidentally of 2016 election game, and Ukraine controversy ),is an application that provides a specific type of security for Windows systems.

Think of a deadbolt. Only a few companies make a special deadbolt, majority of companies need this deadbolt, so they'll use one of these few companies. One of the big "deadbolt" companies is Crowdstrike.

Crowdstrike pushed an update/fix/patch to all their deadbolts across the world, and it broke. But to fix it, you need to get into your house/building, but you can't, because the deadbolt is broke. And even if you could, some companies have tens of thousands of deadbolts that need fixed.

TheMAGAnificent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it correcting? I'm still seeing major outages

TheMAGAnificent 5 points ago +5 / -0

For anyone not in the know: this is actually a big deal. Huge. Not exaggerating.

911 systems across multiple states, airports across the world have to ground flights, banks, financial firms cannot trade. Any Windows system with this app installed is basically screwed. And the world runs on Windows. The military runs in Windows.

This is an extremely big deal.

TheMAGAnificent 0 points ago +8 / -8

He's the highest paid individual government contractor in human history. Imo he was gray flipped white, but we still need to be hesitant about post Trump win Elon. Neuralink will be the welcoming of the Mark of the Beast.

I don't think he's intentionally evil. I think his actions will be used in the future to create a society where every man, woman, and child can be monitored 24/7, no matter how remote they are, due to satellite surveillance, and frequency bouncing from his Starlini satellites. There will be nowhere you can escape to outside of the caves to avoid this.

TheMAGAnificent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh I agree, we shouldn't glorify. But until a man annointed by God (Trump) takes back the office, I don't think God's Spirit will be poured out over this nation. I think once that happens then Black culture can make a come back to it's church and gospel roots.

TheMAGAnificent 36 points ago +36 / -0

Source video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9fycEhSe7N/

(May need an IG account to view)

Someone put 50 Cents "Many Men" over Trump's RNC walkout and Instagram is going wild. I've never seen such stats for a political video:

3 millions Likes

1 million shares


Top comment is 200,000 likes

Insane!! Only Trump could get such numbers! Man of the people!!

TheMAGAnificent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Iirc there was a Q post that talked about how the team warned Obama and the cabal right after the 2016 election results, that any interfering would be met with immediate and overwhelming action (recalling from memory, but they phrased it different). And again when there was the rumors of the Alaskan missile.

This must be true desperation by the cabal as they're violating any sort of gentleman's agreement.

TheMAGAnificent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would agree, but I think there's levels. Like the apostles before and after receiving the Holy Spirit. Or someone having a mountain top experience. I think someone can be radically changed by God, and become on fire, and then that someone can still have a deep, and powerful spiritual awakening. It's almost like taking the Red Pill and seeing the matrix. Like scales lifted from your eyes and you can see something different.

Like Elijah, being a powerful prophet and doing God's works, vs experiencing God during the earth, wind, and fire, then whisper, mountaintop. Different side to God, and affects you differently.

I think this event was biblical, and Trumps face reflects that.

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