The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just Ron DeSantis, but the Trump-endorsed candidate for the Governor of Florida, Byron Donalds, is also applauding the investigations, and called the Tates scum.

The_Knight_of_sunset 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wire taps, taking his security videos, putting him in jail while the check his houses, cars, bank records and phones, etc have come back with nothing.


Romanian's Anti-Organized crime agency, DIICOT, have collected a ton of evidence, enough to fill a library, against the Tate's, collected from their devices, and other sources domestic and international. And virtually ALL of the evidence is considered admissable and strong by the courts. Only a few insignificant-in-the-long-run statements was removed from the evidence pile.

Any assertion that the entire case is thrown out is a lie propagated by the Tate brothers to attempt to fool people into thinking that they are the good guys. In addition, any statements suggesting that they are found not guilty or the case is dismissed are also lies; the trial is scheduled to start soon and the only reason why it is taking so long is that Tate is trying every truck in the book to stall out the process.

The Tate's will be judges and punished for their crimes.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of Tate's trafficking victims is from Florida, and Tate has her brought over from Florida to Romania under false pretenses to pimp her out for his porn business (classic human-sex-trafficking scenario). Even worse is that Tate's followers have doxxed the victim and she is in hiding for her safety.

All of this is definitely within Ron's jurisdiction to act upon.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

All while calling for an audit to show the work that was done to make sure it was done to the satisfaction to which they were paid.


This is not the end of the world. We have many cards in hand. We could call for an investigation into the quality of the work provided and then punish them if they are found to cook the books.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a way, that is a good idea to turn this "loss" into a victory.

The_Knight_of_sunset 24 points ago +24 / -0

Eggs?! They are planning to throw EGGS at the President?!

First of all, they were complaining about high egg prices, and then decide to rub salt in the wound by wasting eggs like this.

Second of all, I hope whoever does this get the Secret Service to open up a can of whoopass on them, on top of an assault and battery charge!

The_Knight_of_sunset 15 points ago +15 / -0

Especially critical since I recall hearing that the weapons we are sending over is not being used as intended, but sold off to criminal groups.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably, but my brief testing of it has me locked out, because I used up all of my free uses of the program for the time being, all within 5 minutes of starting to use the program just by asking questions about it's abilities.

Doubt it will be useful for creative writing endeavors.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah yes, Cynthia Erivo, the ugly queer witch who attacked a fan of Wicked (the theatre play that her most recent movie, she starred in, was adapted from) for a fan-edit of the movie poster to make it resemble the play's playbill (full disclosure, I think the edit makes the movie poster better).

Her ugliness and obnoxious queerness is one part of the reason who I really dislike her. The other part is her entitled and toxic behavior to the public and to fans of her works.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

And it is from Fox News of all places...

More articles like this, and I might need to re-evaluate my stance on Fox News.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just because so many institutions or organizations say something is real does not make it real.

If they all say gravity don't exist and you will not die if you jump off a cliff without a parachute, will you believe them?

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

Still playing around with AI, I was wondering if there is a better AI tool for long and intensive creative writing sessions, better than Grok or ChatGPT?

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are talking about that max-security-prison-for-rent-deal, that's El Salvador, not Venezuela.

Just a quick fact-check.

The_Knight_of_sunset 15 points ago +15 / -0

Regardless of the exact translation, it is obscene and hostile profanity that has no place in a serious setting like this. The fact he swore in a foreign language means he was hoping that the dumb Americans won't pick up in it, implying an attempt at deceit and disrespect.

Spoiler alert, everyone did pick up on it.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good morning, have a blessed day today.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I understand, the Department can't be completely disbanded due to the fact that it was created with legislature from Congress, and will need more legislature to disband the Department.

The_Knight_of_sunset -1 points ago +1 / -2

And another thing look at all the things they said Trump did for years.

They blamed him for raping people and doing all sorts of criminal acts.

They all came out false.

Well, unfortunately for Tate, there is a video of him beating and whipping a girl, who was a confirmed minor at the time.



The_Knight_of_sunset -2 points ago +2 / -4

If this can not convince you, then I can't help you, or you haven't been doing your research.

But, regardless of what you believe, the fact that there are two sex-trafficking individuals that are just as bad as Epstein that are being released into the US for God-knows-what reason is confirmed. All of this comes right after the Trump special envoy visit in the area and persistent rumors of Trump's men pressuring the Romanian officials that no one has denied.

No matter how you put it, it is a VERY BAD LOOK, no?

The_Knight_of_sunset -1 points ago +1 / -2

Trump isn't stupid haven't you figured that out yet?

Trump is not stupid, but the people around him are not as intelligent nor clean as you think, and I think this is where Trump's getting hammered.

And if you want more proof here:

Around six days after Richard Grenell, US Special Envoy and Tate supporter, showed up, the prosecutor changed their measures to travel to the USA.

This would not have happened under normal circumstances. Their measures had just been extended.


Former Romanian Minister of Justice makes a statement:

“This is not justice, it is a mockery of the rule of law and of all those who believe in a Romania where the law applies equally to all.

Even more outrageous is that this decision comes amid pressure from American officials.”


If you are looking for a video where Trump or one of his officials say to "release the Tate Brothers or else", you might not get one, but the timeline of all of these events is to suspicious to be a coincidence.

The_Knight_of_sunset -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's all fake though.

DO NOT attempt to piss on my boots and say it is raining. I have seen more than enough of transcripts, videos, and files to know that everything they are saying about the Tate brothers is true. Plus, the Tate brothers were caught lying more than a few times.

made up allegations against them to silence them.

You really believe that? Because the Tate brothers, while dumb in many respects, are smart enough to know that there is a group of extremely gullible fools within GAW, Q, and MAGA that will believe anything the Tate Brothers say if they wrap it in enough "The Deep State is oppressing me!" wrapping. At this point, the Tate brothers can rape them all in the ass and still have them think it is the government doing the raping.

The_Knight_of_sunset 0 points ago +1 / -1

One more comment for now:

I understand the Epstein List and Files are due today. I reckon that this error with regards to the Tate bros. will be a massive distraction and an even more massive pile of "No, Trump is the one who supports pedophiles" from the media what will put a wet-blanket on expecting anything resulting from the release of the files.

If I was Trump, I'll have Kash personally arrest the Tate brothers, and haul them both off into a federal prison and never let them out.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +3 / -2

a couple more, since this has me fired up and angry:

America does not need more self-proclaimed pimps and terror supporters with outstanding criminal allegations of sex trafficking and a history of pornographic distribution, plus a grift "university" that suckers young men out of thousands of dollars.


Literally charged with r@ping a minor. For graphic details read below. This who the Trump administration is helping escape justice:


Andrew Tate: “I could use Viv to honey trap a fu****** president”


Ill be talking about Temu Epstein on my show this morning and why now is the time to get even louder about how big of a mistake aligning with a fucking pedophile sex trafficker like Andrew Tate will be for MAGA.

This is the same mistake Trump made in 2016. The people around him are going to burn his legacy to the ground if he doesn't wake up.


Oh I know I am still of the firm belief the Tates are both going to jail this was just a HORRIBLE move for the Trump admin. He will and SHOULD get absolutely fucking dragged by the media when this all falls apart.

People close to Trump just threw their weight around to interfere with an investigation regarding two pedophiles. If Trump himself weighs in and starts supporting them, he’s cooked.

I warned everyone, this is Temu Epstein, and it’s going to hurt MAGA way more than people realize.


The_Knight_of_sunset 0 points ago +1 / -1

What's even worse is that I bet that is things will be a massive distraction and a maiming blow to the Trump Administration's credibility with regards to handling sex-traffickers.

Expecting the Diddy List and Epstein List release would result in justice and hangings?

Say good bye for all of that ever happening, especially since the Deep State and the Left now have some ammo against us by pointing to the kiddie-gloved treatment the sex-Trafficking Tates have with the Trump administration.

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