Oldest doesn't mean best.
The Bibles people actually read fell apart. The majority weren't written on animal skin (vellum).
90% of all ancient copies of the Bible are not the oldest.
The Byzantine Text is a family that contains 90%+ of all Greek New Testament manuscripts.
NASB is corrupted.
Easiest way to tell is it's relegated Acts 8:37 to the footnotes and removed it from the actual text.
What would stop the Ethiopian eunuch from getting baptized?
Nothing in the NASB.
Apparently doesn't even matter if he believed Jesus was the Son of God?
Acts 8:37
And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
They are still failing even when underclocked.
It's not that simple.
Nah. It's a big deal.
The 13th and 14th gen Intel processors are failing, sometimes as little as 6 months after purchase.
Processors normally last for decades unless the motherboard or power supply fries them.
Also, Intel has had to disable multithreading on older chips due to security issues, but most of the enthusiasts had already moved on to the next gen months before that happened.
Just go here, but only if you want use shitty Google search -
He's telling people to report the info to the Trump campaign so they can address it publicly instead of bashing people for expressing their opinions. That's what "instead of y'all warning" meant.
$10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe into whether Trump took money from Egypt
Archived link - https://archive.is/gYs7L
A Whataburger with cheese contains 62 g of carbs and almost all of that is from the bun.
Hamburgers are great for you as long as you skip the empty carbs in the buns.
What you want to do is determine your triglyceride/HDL ratio.
You've got nothing to worry about if that number is below 2.0.
Watch this for more information -
Quit eating carbs if you can. I recommend keto or carnivore diet at this point.
Yes, I can confirm you need to apply the 72 hour rule to EVERYTHING this nincompoop posts.
Why is this stickied? LOL
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
This is a good vision.
Doug Mills, who took the "one in a million" bullet picture, is the same guy who just happened to be on hand to catch the iconic moment Bush learned about 9/11. Huh.
Fake Elizabeth Warren account but fun to troll the real one with this image.
And the worst part is if you copy the picks of insiders like Nancy Pelosi and do well in the short term financially. you're simultaneously funding your own destruction.
A bunch of Venezuelans were rallying near Houston, TX yesterday.
We assumed it was in support of Maduro going down.
That ended at the end of the 490 years when Stephen was martyred by the Jewish High Priest.
The natural branch was cut off.
Papers proving you were an "essential worker" perhaps?
The people who believe Trump is the Antichrist I've seen posting on X are not sportsball fans.
Here's one of the most prominent posters on that topic.
I don't agree with all of his conclusions, obviously, but this take on the Olympics is hard to disagree with -
Do you really believe the segues in the footage were added by Don Lemon?
You have to watch the entire speech for context, as Trump specifically identifies steps to be taken to prevent election fraud from happening again after his second term.
The proles weren't necessarily disarmed.
They were oblivious to what was going on behind the scenes and more focused on sports and drinking and living their lives.
This discovery has nothing to do with the Resurrection.
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is not where Jesus's tomb was. That's simply Roman Catholic mythology.
Actual link if the one in OP doesn't work for you -
Company I work for has had to RMA hundreds of 13tb and 14th gen Intel laptops before their EOL (End Of Life).
Some are overheating. Others are running at super slow speeds such as 0.28 or 0.66 GHz at random.