Themessenger777 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well New....welcome first of all. If you are prepared for supply chain shortages then your fine (most here are!) We will help our neighbors as well...so instead of being condescending about the suffering that MUST occur to obtain our God Given rights, quit complaining and suck it up buttercup.


Themessenger777 32 points ago +32 / -0

So which suffering would you pick? One that will change humanity and our way of life for our children and grandchildren forever...... Or one where we suffer for a while with shortages but retain our freedoms and fight the battle evil has waged against us? Seems like a no brainer to me...

Blessings frens...

Oh and most of us are fully prepared for this because we knew it was coming.

Themessenger777 5 points ago +6 / -1

He also said "do not cast your pearls before swine".....God does not require you to pray for evil. He already knows who they are and they will not receive forgiveness...


Themessenger777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have always said "I don't do stupid well"....this is why I just stay away from them right now. Not even worth the effort at this point

Themessenger777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Our school system is the opposite....vaccine free must test...1/3 of us drivers are vaccine free..

Themessenger777 48 points ago +48 / -0

Thanks for the update Tiger....I see the same trend in the school system...lots if teachers and bus drivers (I drive) are sick....all vaxed! All us vaccine free are fine. They are now talking about extending winter break due to staffing shortages...

Blessings for a safe new year fren.....

Themessenger777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely will pray for mom to receive the blessing of healing...in Gods name I pray 🙏

Themessenger777 2 points ago +2 / -0

"She has been charged with six felony counts related to child sex trafficking and faces a maximum of 70 years and potential suicide in a jail cell if convicted"

Even the article notes she faces suicide kek! Had to read it twice because I thought I read it wrong....

Themessenger777 17 points ago +17 / -0

I found a bottle of the Aunt Jemima on a store shelf and bought if for posterity....kek... one day I'm going to tell my granddaughters about this whole looney toons time and plop that bottle on the table for them as sauce (syrupy sauce)...🤣

Themessenger777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Congrats fren! So proud of you...

Themessenger777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I'm old school, plus was born without fear...so thankful to God for that. I do my best to instill courage in our young people...you might be surprised how many are based!

Blessings fren

by BQnita
Themessenger777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes dear....you have that correct! Bizarro world rages on....

Themessenger777 55 points ago +55 / -0

I drive a school bus....cops are showing heavy presence at HS and middle schools. Lots of my kids (40-50%) are no shows today...this is in NJ.. We have had 3 school lockdowns in 3 weeks at our HS due to threats....

The yellow bus still keeps rolling through it all kek...

Blessings frens...

Themessenger777 10 points ago +10 / -0

So glad to hear this!

Blessings come to those who pray for them

Themessenger777 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have surely been Blessed! So happy to hear it fren....

Themessenger777 3 points ago +3 / -0

My background is blue skies....soooo pretty...

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