ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

99+ percent of ALL diseases/ailments.........

Think about it, why are so many people having such incredible and unexpected results(fixing age-related cognitive issues is just the latest posts/comments I remember but there has been quite a few others) from a single ivermectin dose...................

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

FF through a few of the other videos where he specifically goes into building and places where you will always find some sign of people(hotel lobby at 4pm...).

It's a mater of volume, cherry-picking works great, as long as the sample-size is small enough......

But with the number of videos, the number of locations, from a purely statistical standpoint there is zero chance of there not being a slip-up if this was fake....

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Working my way through the vids now(was going to download the vid and put up a catbox link but for some reason the ad-on that always works for this just goes into 'generating download link mode and stays there...)

ThomasMaker 3 points ago +3 / -0

The entire SG1 series is one huge exercise in soft-disclosure...

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tools are... tools.....

They aren't smart enough to have their own opinions, the vast majority of them are mouthpieces and I very much doubt that he is any different(also, from a practical standpoint, whitehats using a tool often used by the DS means the message reaches more of the people it really NEEDS to reach....)

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Picture is missing a huge-ass enema syringe.....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also have a propensity for making the black person in a movie/tv-show be the blatant racist, thinking they are being clever(it's consistent...)

ThomasMaker 10 points ago +10 / -0

All the 'health' services(CDC/FDA/HHS/NIH) being told to shut the fuck up kinda puts the kibosh on them making an 'official' statements on this........

ThomasMaker 6 points ago +7 / -1

Blockchain will be a HUGE and integral part of both finance and trade going forward, it will provide absolute transparency by creating an absolute chain of custody for all things traded and shipped, and it will also enable the creation of 'bank-accounts' for individuals that ONLY that individual is in control of(this is actually an integral part of what the 'quantum banking system' will be rather than the nefarious 'top down' crap that all the black-pillers and doomers seem incapable of getting their mindsets out of)...

ThomasMaker 5 points ago +5 / -0

EO's that over the course of several years prove to be massively effective and that establishes a way of doing things that is better and more effective than anything previously seen.

Kinda hard to remove the foundation of a house once you have several stories on top of it.....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0


You can't be pardoned for doing nothing so accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

And now that they are pardoned, NONE of them can plead the 5th......

So if Trump has them by the short-hairs, if being on the stand and speaking the truth being their better option.............................

ThomasMaker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can't help but see some kind of SOC or SOG logo.......

edit: a much better picture


edit2: It's the Secret Sevice Counter-Sniper logo, one of them gave his patch to the kid

ThomasMaker -2 points ago +1 / -3

Flynn still trying to make himself seem relevant and important I see...

(won't gloat(too much) when he's arrested, promise....)

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look into background of each of them, who they are connected to....

They are being put in the spotlight for a reason, which is VERY unlikely to highlight how good they are....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'll preface this by saying that all the doomers and blackpilled muppets that have made up their minds based on second-hand information and ZERO deiscernment need to go away.

Have known about this for a long time......


https://x.com/search?q=med%20bed%20(from%3AProlotario1)&src=typed_query (also addresses scammers trying to cash in with bullshit and lies)


This guy is reportedly directly involved


But some of the things he posts may be a bridge to far for most people that haven't been in this long enough to apply the discernment needed to sort out the opinions from the facts(people that genuinely know things that very few do, invariably think they know a lot about a great many other things and the reality with most is that they source all this 'other knowledge' from the same place they source their farts.....So use discernment with the last link)

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haven't heard about that one but Nicotine is an anti-parasitic so if 'viruses' are a class of parasites it may explain why it's effects on them are similar to Ivermectin and Fenbendazole....

ThomasMaker 7 points ago +7 / -0

The brain and CNS have nicotine and cannabinoid receptors, they do nothing else, it's a slot that nothing else fits in........

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