by BQnita
TrustGodOnly 0 points ago +0 / -0

I saw your retarded edit… no one with a brain would storm the capital in the first place… The fact that you need Trump to tell you when to protest and where makes you a fucking pussy beta bitch. So you’re either a liberal, or low IQ (but I repeat myself). If you read any of the Q drops you would know that Q always said that we the people need to take charge, that there are far more of us than them - we are the majority. How do we show that? Protests. Marches. Rallies. Flying flags over overpasses, getting involved in local politics, the school board, homeschooling your own kids, eventually growing your own food, becoming self-sufficient, etc.

Not waiting around for Trump to tell you what you should do… ffs Your post is so fucking cringe.

by BQnita
TrustGodOnly 4 points ago +6 / -2

You won’t go unless Trump tells you to? You mean like he did on January 6th?? For fucks sake stop putting all your hopes and dreams on Trump to save us. Get your ass out there, even if it’s just a flag over an overpass, and do your fucking part!! This is up to we, the people, not Trump.

TrustGodOnly 1 point ago +1 / -0

lmao 😂 well done! Should start doing it at Starbucks, page at Walmart, etc. 😁

TrustGodOnly 4 points ago +4 / -0

The shot heard around the world?

TrustGodOnly 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not close to it at all, it is 100% crimes against humanity and children!! But at least we have one sane leader on the world stage…

TrustGodOnly 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can you link to that post please? I’d like to still try to get in if I can!!

TrustGodOnly 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yes. It’s all about actions, not empty rhetoric.

TrustGodOnly 1 point ago +5 / -4

Oh for FUCKS sake… I was on r/T_D and r/greatawakening in the early days, was prolific on all, then Voat, 8ch, 8kun, and now here. Interestingly, THIS site has been the most restrictive by far, so much so I’ve been kicked off twice and suspended several times for daring to question the all mighty Trump.

To be clear… I have done thousands of hours of research around Q’s questions and have come to the conclusion much of what they said is true: lucifarians run the world, we live in a satanic culture, destruction of black community, family, gender & trans crap, 3rd world invading first world, it’s all part of it - it’s all been part of a nefarious plan over hundreds (or more!) years with “Ashkenazi jews” in positions of power who worship at the synagogue of Satan and are involved in massive child and human trafficking, sacrifice, etc.

And during Trump’s term I thought he was part of the good guys. Since the inauguration I have been questioning him, and all of a sudden I’m a shill.

YOU are either a shill or incredibly low IQ/borderline retard and a useful idiot with apparently no critical thinking skills whatsoever. I’m thinking you are all of those things.

TrustGodOnly -4 points ago +3 / -7

You’re as bad as the lucifarians… what, we’re not allowed to use our critical thinking skills here? No cognitive dissonance for you around the fact all Trump does is put out pithy statements and rallies and nothing else?? If we suspect Trump we’re a shill??

Here’s a thought for your wee little low IQ brain: you can believe everything Q led us to and also, at the same time have thoughts that perhaps Trump may not be one of us. Do I hope and pray he is? Yes! Do I hope I’m wrong about this? Yes! But there’s that cognitive dissonance again because he only appears to be on the surface now. What is he actually doing besides rallies and “announcements”?

TrustGodOnly 5 points ago +8 / -3

So fucking sick of “soon”. Either do something or shut the FUCK UP, Trump. So sick of his pithy, whiny statements that go nowhere and do nothing except to devalue all the pain, stress, loss, and death patriots are experiencing because that asshole walked away from the presidency when he knew he won and had proof.

ENOUGH!! GOD and WE, the PEOPLE are who we should be counting on, not Trump!

by Quelle
TrustGodOnly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha!! The reviews are GOLD. People are really waking up now. At least about him. Finally.

TrustGodOnly 1 point ago +1 / -0

For me, the great awakening will finally be happening when my liberal twin brother wakes up. He has not woken up at all so far. Seeing him this weekend, hoping to drop a few nonchalant red pills.

TrustGodOnly 7 points ago +8 / -1

I’ve been usually exhausted this week as well.

TrustGodOnly 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have news for you, fren, this won’t end well for us if we go the “peaceful” route. Jews went peacefully to the trains…. I will never be peaceful towards the lucifarians and their brainwashed, low IQ followers.

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