UberLightBringer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good link on Operation High Jump (appears valid; feel free to offer extra or contradictory information). Apparently the Nazi's were able to secretly get a hidden base set up in Antarctica, also developed prototype anti-gravity craft and get a lot of their secret stuff moved down there. Argentina being so close would have been a likely support country.

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/antarctica/antartica11.htm Operation Highjump overview; Admiral Byrd in Antarctica. German submarines type 21 and 23 could use the snorkel telscoping tube, along with the Walter motor using hydrogen peroxide fuel for ranges up to 30k miles.

UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought MLK files were next. Did we just rotate shield harmonics while the media worked on plans to discredit MLK declass?


UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

You guys are gonna love this one. You know all those e-mails that come in that say "donotreply@...."?

I don't know where those go when I use that "as my email address", but there's probably some servers somewhere that are REALLY pissed at me. :-D

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I saw that. It probably gets down to the 14 servers DOGE found just adding digits to bank accounts (that tell farmers it's in their best financial interests to plant GM soybeans!).

Maybe someone needs to point out to the servers that manila rope costs $.90/ft, so they get ambitious about not adding digits out of nowhere to bank accounts?

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just the fact that you need to put "organic" before "eggs" is rough.

Can we stick with "chicken eggs" and it's clear enough? 🥴

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I started making my own cereal some months back, but even doing that and other recipes you still have to watch out. Homemade ranch dressing is great, but even that needs mayonnaise and even there the phrases "soybean oil", high fructose corn syrup", and "natural flavor" pop up. Also watch for "two component" trickery. We all know the fluoride in toothpaste crosses into borderline neurotoxin range based on recommended amount, but when somewhere else they're constantly telling you to "drink more [fluoridated] water", that's likely to put you into the toxic range daily. (Now you know why they push large soft drink sizes for the same price!).

And that's without diving into genetically engineered corn, soybeans and other crops themselves.

(GAW should market this post as a quick weight loss program. You won't want to eat ANYTHING!)

UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Public service announcement to all patriots: If they're on a "Board" multiple election cycles, especially starting pre-2020, or got "appointed" to a board between elections, there's a VERY good chance they're Deep State. While this may not apply to very red, low delegate count states, I've noticed it first hand in a swing state. Not just democrat stronghold cities, but suburban and rural areas as well. This is especially true in library and school boards where they maintain control of what the kids are taught through the education system. When you think through how they would keep coming up with recruits to be a part of managing this charade so many years, realize they'll try to identify the "cream of the crop" at a very young age if they can't find enough from within their own family trees. This would start at a very young age, probably on a "special list" even Pre-K. To manage this, being on library, school, and college boards would be key. I'm also thinking when you look at pictures of members of the board online, watch for "MIB" protocol. Bring out your "inner autist" to figure out what that could mean.

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do a little digging on Kash's wife. Seems to me I ran across a possible Deep State plant operation going on...

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, I took a bit of a look for it (NOT comprehensive), but I'm not seeing it now. I think I noticed it around the end of January this year. Not sure if the pyramid was part of their main page there that scrolls through multiple images, but I'm not seeing it now and I didn't screen grab it. That and I'm doing so many digs a day now it's getting hard to keep up. For example, Oxford schools (where the school shooting "just happened" to occur on the 3rd anniversary of Bush's death) also has the pyramid as the school board logo: https://www.oxfordschools.org/o/ocs/page/board-of-education

UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've never done Facebook, but from what I've seen there's probably an AI that takes in everything you post, then manipulates you with marketing and "non-existing in real life" bots. Just post a few random hot-button keywords ("abortion", "Islamic", etc.) without any verbs and watch them come out of the woodwork.

UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

The satanic Deep State likes to think they're so smug and superior with their "in your face" mirroring of evil to what would appear a straightforward event. Once you realize that, you can learn to read what they're doing. For example, FEMA ran a program called HSEEP before January 6, where they apparently did training and dress rehearsal for how they would conduct trying to start an insurrection. Well if you pull up the link below, see the big-ass multilevel pyramid they display on that page, and realize transposing the first two letters of "HSEEP" makes it "SHEEP", you can decipher what they're doing isn't to your benefit.

Nice of them to document it so the white hats could geo-locate and do a traitorous idiot roundup would be my guess.

It's what they do more than what they say, I hope that helps.

https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/exercises/hseep HSEEP (“SHEEP”) program

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a "practicing" Catholic, but blessed with a couple good parents that provided guidance and clarification. My mother kept me going to Catholic church & catechism enough as a youngster that I lit my own fire. But she also told me the story of a family that had to leave their home during WWII from the approaching Russians (probably Bolsheviks), led by the town priest and his girlfriend, so I've known enough to question things. She also was protective enough of us to not be taken in by the "Vatican II" stuff of the late sixties - she was very based.

Dad on the other hand, probably wouldn't have to remove both socks if he started counting how many times he attended church in his lifetime. But that didn't mean he didn't believe in God. He told me a story from WWII where when Allied planes were flying over towns on their way to bombing cities in Germany, the local folk were told to get whatever firearms they had and shoot up at the planes, even if they were out of reach. If you didn't, the local folk were instructed to turn and fire on you. (We're living through something like that right now with our own friends & relatives with the "vaccines".) This was the only story he had from "the big war", I can only imagine the things he'd seen as a child growing up that might have made him give up on organized religion services. But I do have a copy of his childhood bible, I don't doubt he had a belief in God.

Catholics, the REAL ones, have always taken what the Popes have said with a grain of salt. There's a wheat vs. chaff event going on right now. Remember we all probably supported the Bushes at some point.

UberLightBringer 14 points ago +14 / -0

Jones was sued over the "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" video (and lost in court to the tune of $1.5B) JUST TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM WATCHING THE VIDEO SHOWING MUCH OF THE TOWN WAS IN ON A CRISIS ACTOR EVENT.


UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, Nixon in on Bay of Pigs.. and did I hear that Joseph Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis were both cabal members, planned JFK being in as president in the 1950's, and Jackie was IN on the Dallas op as an insider?? Alexander Onassis and JFK Jr. BOTH supposedly went out the airplane way?

Holy rabbit hole...

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sooo much to re-learn. I thought it was odd that I had a history professor on an FBI watch list, now it turns out that was a good thing!

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Partial overview of 47 page Top Secret listed document:


Although the only direct JFK thing I saw was Jack Ruby was actually "Rubenstein", I've included as brief I could items of interest. The reason is because once we recognize their process and names (Colonel Wimert and Dino Poinzio are now unredacted names that appear prominent), I think it'll lead places in other areas like JFK.

It might be worth the time to review what happened in Chile in the early 70's with a General that had 3 kidnapping attempts on him before it ended in a shootout, which 2 years later caused a "leadership change" from Allende to Pinochet:


Main Notes:

"SSCIA" listed as Agency; File number R-696. Testimony of David Atlee Phillips document from July 31, 1975.

Subject matter included CIA, Castro, Meyer Lansky, Bay of Pigs, Assassination, Santos Trafficante, Jack Ruby, Chile, Allende, Operation Mongoose.

Jack Ruby was actually "Rubenstein"; the document has quite a few page skips, but a theme of how the CIA conducts business and regime changes in South America emerges.

Note there is a "lookup Table" the CIA has for referring to countries. For example, Chile is "FU".

David Phillips "After the Bay of Pigs business, went to Mexico in late 1961 until 1965 {the Bay of Pigs invasion started April 18, 1961}, then "Chief of Station" (of Dominican Republic '67, then Brasilia '68, then later Rio de Janiero '70, then Venezuela '72, then Chief of Western Hemisphere Division '73). Note his daughter is married to a Brazilian foreign service officer.

Redacted and other names include:

Mr. Schwarz

"Chief of Station" [Unredacted]

Mr. Helms (regarding proposition of assassination of [General] Schneider)

Major Marshall (Chilean officer; linked to plan to assassinate Allende. After his name in document, the phrase "reported to the CIA" was unredacted)

Colonel Wimert [last name unredacted] ($50k payment offer, if they could accomplish a kidnapping) ["Note that he worked in the Defense Department - US Army under General Philpott"; instructed to only takes instructions from CIA in Chile.

It was noted that at some point and initial name change from "General Bennett" to "General Philpott" was made on an "Exhibit 4" document draft]

CIA provided materials including machine guns, as they wouldn't readily be traceable by Venezuela government

Mr. William Broe ["Releasing Officer, (Phillips boss)"]

Mr. Tom Karramessines [Head of operations in Chile]

"setting up a false flag office" would be called a "base".

"These officers will perform the delicate shows with great flap potential which cannot be done by Station personnel or any Chilean."

"Track II activities" [Refers to Defense Intelligence Agency activities]

"Candidates that can successfully pose as Brazilian intelligence officers" [Apparently intelligence services in MANY countries provide field agents from a third party country on a regular basis so you never know who the actual operation sponsor is; hence "Deep State"]

Salvadore Allende - Chilean President

Allende was in contact with possibly a Cuban Intelligence officer with the code name "Ariel"

Mr. Dino Poinzio [Unredacted] (Appears to be CIA cable writing officer)

Terms "Authenticating Officer" & "Releasing Officer" [Latter accepts responsibility]

Lots of references to "Brazilian" officers are [Unredacted] throughout document.

Valenzuela group (Colonel Wimert reference) [General] Viaux group

Allende wanted to turn Chile into a Marxist state, but not using violence like Fidel Castro advocated for.

Chief of Station David Phillips [Authenticating Officer], while in Washington attending the Chiefs of Station course [sometime between 11/22/1963 to pre-1965?], was bothered by 22k marines being sent to the Dominican Republic by President Johnson when only 400 Marines would have been needed to evacuate American citizens.

"MAP" - Military Assistance Program

"FMS" - Foreign Military Sales

General Bennett was Chief of Defense Intelligence Agency

Senator Schweiker involved in investigation on document

"Mr. Bolten of the Agency" reference

Odd comment regarding [dictator] President Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, who was assassinated in May of 1961: "There was an inlet inside of Domingo which was dubbed, the Pasino, the swimming pool, and that is where Trujillo threw his friends and enemies to the sharks. And he used to hang people on meat hooks in refrigerated vaults. And it sometimes took them several days to die."

(That guy was a piece of work: https://www.thoughtco.com/rafael-trujillo-4687261)

Miss Culbreth: "...dated September 27, 1970...'A false flag base of staff would be established in Santiago by 10 October'..."These officers will perform the delicate chores with great flap potential which cannot be done by station personnel or any Chilean. An example: We have a Canadian [Unredacted] who can pose as Brazilian [Unredacted] intelligence officer. If he approached, funded and ran a Chilean general, any flap would be a Brazilian [Unredacted] one."

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

While this 47 page document briefly notes that Jack Ruby was actually Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein, the brunt of it is a good overview of the tradecraft used on South America and some possible names to watch for in looking at JFK's assassination.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure we're all on multiple databases, with ratings ranging from "standard braindead zombie-no concerns" to "Just short of Cooper or Gunderson action required". When the wall fell in Germany, people were looking into what notes the communist intelligence services had on them and I'm sure it was an eye opener. I'm sure all our e-mails, online keyboard comments and forwarded documents are stored/rated as part of our "Issue to Deal With" score. At a base level, I'm sure there's algorithms scouring for keywords to start that process, then I'd imagine it moves up to "analyst level" items, and I'm sure that now there's been AI involved for a while. I've lost family members that in hindsight were probably secretly "dealt with". I have no intention of making there job any easier at this point. Hope that helps.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sorry, but we're going to need a little more history on who the figure is supposed to represent first. A good bible character or maybe God himself would be a great start.

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