It's comms. There are much more powerful bombs than 24x Hiroshima bomb.
Marines and NAVY are with Q. Something like that was said by someone. I guess Ricardo Bossi.
I don't know why but her talking reminds me Bill Gates.
Maybe the reason why Trump truthed Jan Halper-Hayes? Not that I trust or anything.. just pointing things out..
I really appreciate you give so much time to answer my questions. I have seen some video about big flood which probably happened in Africa. Is that the reset you mentioned?
Also why big families wanted to create Israel and why at specific location? I think some Q drops about why WWII really happened are tied to this.
Ok, I saw different maps and explanations. Yours (much more descriptive) is one of them. The other was Tartaria almost at the same place as Kazachstan.
What I don't understand is how they held power for such a long time. I mean I don't even know how long. And as you pointer out, separation for a long time causes another layer of power hold problem. What do you think about cycles? Do you think they had technologies from previous cycles to cause "resets" or they created new cycle by genocidal wars or no resets ever happened?
I hope you post your findings soon. I am really looking forward to read it.
I just read a little bit about Tartaria and where it was located. So this is the reason why Astana in Kazachstan was picked as one of the main globalist's city.
I like how deep your answers go. Thank you very much. Do you have some list of sources about real history? Eg. about Tartaria or other hidden knowledge?
Lol, OP's name.
Thank you for the reply. You are right. Could you please give us more info or sources on "The Rothschilds had been trying to get Jerusalem for well over a century before they finally accomplished it"?
It is suppressed and will be to the point paper gold market implodes..
28 years before opening of WTC and another 28 before leveling WTC down.
I expect this to happen..
Emotions over logic.. can be dangerous.
That was fast. :)
Prepare some napkins. This is The Low.
Only 10 % votes counted? Who cares? Arizona won by Biden..
Nice trigger discipline..
Hey OP, video was taken down. Care to explain what did you see?
Musk has something around his neck all the time..
Who gives a shit about them anyway.. People can say whatever they want. Listen to as many opinions as you can (no paytriots) and then try to decide what is probably more closer to truth. Libtards shout everyone is divisive and spreads disinfo..
Anon option - buy GME and DRS.
Wow, another double digit drop coincidence. I thought they are going to shoot him. It's DS "tradition"..