All of this maneuvering by the CDC along with the "power people" catching COVID lately for plausible deniability is an effort to save their happy ass from what is coming at them this fall from Russia (there will be a lot more countries) with charges of crimes against humanity.
I know exactly what you are talking about and you are absolutely correct. Decades ago I used to tell people, “No computer system is ever any better than the dumbest ass on the team and there is always at least one dumbass.”
These people are clueless about how things really work because they have never accomplished anything productive in the entire life.
Now, that is interesting in numerous ways. Since their not considered neutral, I wonder if Russia has put them on the first strike list. Switzerland is the home of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) which is the global central bank cartel's bank, the banker's bank, which the BRICS are currently in the process of completely bypassing with their soon to be new reserve currency system. Switzerland is also home to be WEF (World Economic Forum) which is one of the globalist's most prized organizations. Putin has repeatedly told the globalists that they will not get their desired New World Order. Switzerland is also home to the WHO (World Health Organization) that was instrumental in almost wrecking the global economy with COVID-19 restrictions, etc. About 15 or so years ago, the Swiss were digging tunnels in solid granite to store gold for "clients." They could not keep up with the demand for gold tunnels. The Swiss never mentioned who their clients were, but logically you could guess that it was the BIS (the banker's bank). The BRICS new financial system will have gold as a key part of value. If Switzerland is a first strike target, the BIS gold would not count since it would be to hot to get to and handle. These items along with others could make Switzerland being a first strike an advantage.
I used to know why the Swiss Guard is used to guard the Vatican, but I forgot.
The renowned historical researcher, Eustace Mullins, that Henry Kissinger referred to as the most dangerous man in the USA said that NAZI was NA for National Socialism and ZI Zionism. Yes, they were working together.
Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire from 527-565AD and came up with the Justinian Code of laws that put the jews in their place such as death for practicing usury, only allowed to hold the lowest political office assuming no one else wanted it, no new synagogs, etc. Enforcement of this code of laws allowed the Byzantine Empire to last until the mid-1400’s making the Byzantine Empire one of the longest lasting empires in history and no one wants to talk about it. Justinian identified the problem and did something about it.
The primary remnant of the Byzantine Empire today is Russia and the Russian Orthodox Christian Church which is why Russia is always the bad guy in a jewish banker controlled world.
Israel is last because it is the focal point of western control via the Mossad which collects all info from the CIA, MI6, etc. and tells them what to do. They even have their own nuclear weapons.
Congratulations! You are just beginning to really live. I wasted 12 years of my life thinking I was an atheist before I admitted there was The Father at the age of 32 and that was over 40 years ago. Proper prayer make all the difference in living, but unfortunately it’s not taught in church. Jesus did explain it properly in Matthew 6:5-13 KJV. Analysis is required to understand why there are only commands used, no please or can I, etc.
Yes, “Military TRIBUNAL is the only way to pass fair sentencing…” At this point it appears that we only have two options, the military talking control or armed revolt. The evils ones cannot be voted out with rigged elections (the election system has not been cleaned up), besides most of the evil ones are not even on the ballot. The evil ones can’t be convicted by civil methods since all government is corrupt from top to bottom and side to side. The evil ones are not going to just stop what they are doing and walk away. They appear to be hellbent on doing as much evil as possible in the least amount of time. So the military does need to act pretty soon or risk the possibility of the most heavily armed society in the history of mankind expressing its displeasure when they have had enough which is a horrible idea.
This could be a possibility since Russia is supposed to do a complete reveal about what they have from Ukraine which contains HC’s (among a host of others) dirty dealing about crimes against humanity. Russia said they would release everything this fall. October is the first month of fall.
Elon is correct fir sure. I sometimes ask people when this topic of school/education comes up a couple or more questions. If James Garfield had not dropped out of school before the fourth grade, would he have been President and spoke 5 different languages? If Henry Ford had not dropped out of school before the fourth grade, would there have been a Ford Motor Company? I had a few more when necessary.