Imagine what they could do with all the DNA that they are harvesting from Covid-19 test kits and ancestry/genetic testing companies like 23 and Me.
They could design biological weapons that are contagious, only target people with specific DNA, and modify, disrupt, or destroy their DNA to make them grow cancers, become more dumber and more compliant, or die suddenly.
Or they can map out all of the available living organs, that closely match their rich clientele, within 50, or 100, or 200 miles, and you know... create an accident and harvest those organs.
Don't make yourself a target. Protect your DNA and get off the organ donation list!
Naww, you more stoopidest!
Makes me think why MSM would be so quick to label this as an "assassination attempt" when they have been trying so hard not to for the previous attempts.
Also, I was just thinking of how peculiar is was to support President Trump who holds rallies that requires Americans to disarm themselves to attend.
There was a plane that flew from Tampa and then directly over the eye of the Hurricane Milton while it was a CAT 5. Satellite images revealed that the eye cloud walls went from smooth and powerful to disrupted and wavy. Soon after meteorologists reported that Hurricane Milton may weaken to CAT 3 before landfall. I don't think that this is just a coincidence. Youtube channel Monkey Werx, I think a former military air traffic controller, follows strange flight patterns and will post a video later today. I read somewhere that the US gov experimented on how to disrupt hurricanes and one tech that worked really well was dropping some kind of polymer ball that absorbs 1000 times its weight in water and carries it to the ocean where it dissolves. It was very successful.
They sell their blood to the highest bidder, not to areas that need it the most. They take your good will and give you pennies in cookies and orange juice in return. Hospitals charge you $2,000 per pint of blood to be infused! Don't fund this evil organization. Blood is a valuable, commodity to only enrich themselves.
Here's a rabbit hole... is a virus alive? Is it a living organism? Middle school biology taught me that it's not alive. How then can there be both live virus vaccines and weakened/dead virus vaccines? Maybe definitions changed again or maybe I'm going insane.
Hey, good to hear from you again friend. You raised some good points and I would like to share thr original article that got me thinking about the origins of the Spanish Flu. The word flu didn't have same meaning as now. Virology didn't exist till early 1930. Most vaccines were bacterial. Post war autopsies show bacterial pneumonia as cause of death for 95%+ cases, spread made worse during war conditions. Essentially, it was the start of blaming the virus boogeyman and start of standardized vaccine clinical trials with controls. I'm still undecided on what the fuck viruses are. Terrain theory supporters say it's exomes released by living cells as cleaning agents and dying cells as they burst. Immune systems react to foreign exomes all the time but only form flu like symptoms when its overwhelmed. Germ theory emphasize that specific germs cause disease and that we should treat the infection rather than the weakened immune system.
US and allies were covering up the bad news of sickness within their ranks. Is even fudged the meningitis vaccine clinical trials to make it more successful than it really was, even when it was the actual cause! Spain was neutral and had no bias in reporting first, but "his"story will remember it as the Spanish Flu because they did. I'm familiar with this because I did a deep dive about vaccines while searching for the truth during Covid-19. I don't remember all the details but hopefully I shared enough for you to do your own research. For the meningitis trials, they injected vaccines grown in horse pus or something. They had sick soldier cough on healthy soldiers and the healthy soldiers didn't get sick, but injected soldiers did. Weird details like that.
Research the meningitis vaccine trials at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1917. That was the origin of the Spanish Flu. The follow-up deaths to the "Spanish Flu" was due to the transportation of the vaccines to be used among the Allies during WWI, excess vaccines to be sold to civilians back home due to well stoked fears and vaccination campaigns, and immoral snake oil salesmen taking advantage of the crisis to become the first to produce a cure. All of it was just an assault on the human body's immune system. I believe that the "disease" naturally disappeared after the novelty and hysteria died off.
Yeah, I feel yah!
Yeah, the term that they use for human cyborgs is transhumanism.
All of this stepbro, step sis, mother in law, father in law, trans sex, and laundry list of kinks is all designed to destroy the stable, God-fearing, nuclear family. Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt.
All style, no substance. Great example of a gatekeeper to truth. Johnny might as well be working with the deep state. Waste of 30 minutes to anyone with a brain.
Creativity died because of constant stimulation. Boredom sparks creativity. We are living in the Ipad kids generation. Tik Tok is a psy-op and is rewiring brains to lose interest and focus after just 3-6 seconds.
You are very welcome dear friend! I'm just glad to find someone who is actually interested enough to listen <3
Here is Equimax horse paste, which has 2 effective medications along with titanium dioxide:
This is listed as regular larger particle titanium dioxide that is way less dangerous than the nanoparticle version. I'm skeptical, however.
Here is the Durvet Apple Flavor Ivermectin, which comes in non-flavored as well:
It's highly likely to be used as part of its listed "proprietary component A, B, and C". Only reasons for hiding such ingredients is either toxicity or trade secrets due to competition. Horse paste is preferred by horse owners because of ease of handling, application, taste, and overall convenience. So the process of making effective paste may be a necessary secret. Since it's not marketed towards humans, they can have proprietary ingredients and less strict regulations.
Titanium dioxide is widely used. Commercial toothpaste is a toxic concoction of titanium dioxide along with artificial sweeteners, carrageen, fluoride, and much more. Also used in candy, beauty products, deodorant, etc.
Just remember that "they" wish us to sacrifice our health for convenience everyday. Get a boostahs so that you can live life again!
If you think that they wouldn't hurt animals, well... commercial dog bones are actual toxins, vegan foods for pets, etc.
Again, not all people are blessed with affordable and available ivermectin. Take what you can get when you really need it. Otherwise seek better options for ivermectin! Good luck friend!
As fun as this is, be careful of leaving documented encounters within the medical establishment. They have prepared medical diagnoses and codings that the government in the near future will give themselves authority to view and dictate your life based on how "crazy" they think you are.
Avoid healthcare like the police until absolutely necessary.
Most horse paste contain titanium dioxide nanoparticles, for the white color, and will cross the blood brain barrier and cause brain damage. Opt for injectables (oral consumption) or affordable Indian/Mexican Ivermectin.
Ok, I can understand your position now. Good luck with your endeavors friend.
I think Big Medicine is an unsustainable house of cards right now. They work hand in hand with all insurances, private and public, to inflate healthcare costs for everyone. Public distrust towards doctors and "experts" is on the rise. Death is also very profitable and funeral homes are making bank right now. I'm a nurse and I'm making a career change over to cybersecurity. Hopefully that is a more noble profession and I'll have plenty of work vs AI in world where everything is connected to the Internet of Things. Currently, US healthcare is a spiritually sick profession and needs to hit rock bottom before improvements can begin. I may return at that point and hopefully make a difference. A trade career may also be a very respectable and profitable job to have in our near future. Just watch the new Joining the Panderverse South Park movie.
Gotcha. Thank you for your thorough reply. I'm a service member too but I don't participate in the secret squirrel stuff. Can you share anything you can surmise about this:
2018, the Army launched an accelerated effort that funnels some $572 million into training and equipping 26 of its 31 active combat brigades to fight in large-scale subterranean facilities that exist beneath dense urban areas around the world.
Could you point me in the right direction on how to search for discussions or coverage of these covert operations please? I was only aware of the LA, Nashville, and possible the recent helicopter crash during a training exercise. Thank you for sharing!
That show was state sponsored propaganda released right after 9/11 to stoke emotional appeal for years of war and The Patriot Act.
I appreciate you contributions. I was indeed wrong about having only US citizenship to hold any public office. It seems to only matter when it comes to obtaining security clearances. Potential conflict of interests, as well. Absolutes, stated by someone in an earlier comment, such as either you are an American or you are an enemy... well, is plain ludicrous. I don't believe in censorship and I wouldn't support that your comments be deleted. You bring up valid points so I don't understand why you would even suggest that you may be deleted. It's up to the reader to use discernment and decide whether to engage or not. However, I do see a future where AI can effortlessly crowd out and trivialize all the human voices in the public square.
Thin Blue Line Gang Rise!