Yes, I agree with your statement.
I come here to read and catch up on Q happenings, posts and to keep up with the plan. Though very busy lately, I still try and make it on here to read, even if nothing gets posted.
I'm sad to read about this rift that has happened and it is dangerous to dox people. I hope people stay safe (especially u/catsfive) and we continue on the great awakening mission.
Yes, thank you, we are all relieved that he's doing well.
One of the doctor's that were there when he was admitted, came in to his room (after he refused the ventilator) and said to him that "he dodged a bullet" by doing that.
Unbelievable what they were doing to people during that time and how they knew what it would do to them when they were put on the vent.
My brother was admitted to the hospital in 2021 and given Remdesivir for 3 days and after he refused the vent, was released.
He's doing well, no issues with his kidneys, but does have some lingering breathing issues (he also has asthma and an inhaler) that pop up from time to time. He's not vaccinated.
I believe they have the authority to investigate, but not prosecute.
They would have to send it to the DOJ to be prosecuted and then hopefully dismantled, but we know how that will go with this fake administration of the Resident.
This is the way I understand it, but if this is wrong, please someone who has more knowledge of how this works, correct my post.
I've never heard this guy speak before and I always wondered what is the fascination with him that people have...he's a disgusting human being to respond in this manner to a comment someone made about him. It's so over the top that it does show who he really is.
Unbelievable that he has any sway with people.
Yes, more than likely and maybe even up to 70 percent leaning right?
It's such BS that the numbers are made to show that it's evenly split, so the fraud and cheating can proceed without anyone thinking it odd or that it's actually happening.
It makes many think that our country is very evenly split 50-50, which is what someone was saying to me recently.
I'm sure this is farthest from the truth, though. No way our country is split this way. It definitely leans more conservative.
Unbelievable....we are truly living in an upside down world.
Nothing makes sense anymore. Are we in a Matrix and really living in a movie?
It's hard to comprehend what has happened to our world.
I don't want to doom, but I can't believe how we've allowed the world to get so crazy and just unrealistic.
I'm sorry to write all this on Christmas Day....Merry Christmas to all. Have a blessed day.
So obvious how they never use the word's always democracy to let others in their circle know it's about them.