Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate that more than you know. In my experience, Veterans rarely experience any issues in the classrooms because, for what it is worth, the kids connected with them. I have told kids over the years that I have seen men die in front of me, or some other experience, and they identify with that. I am 60, however, and my time is limited. I hope other Vets can take over the watch and go into teaching, because frankly, if you're a Vet, that gives you an advantage as far as discipline and such. Thanks for the response.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. We're a little harder than the average bear to find [the ones with nuclear experience]. I just don't hear about a lot of the guys I knew wanting to do that - put up with all the problems - because they likely would be tempted to deal with them in such a way that would solve the problem for good but piss off a lot of parents because their precious little darlings would be put in their place, if you get my drift. I don't advocate abuse of children, but many students feel entitled and emboldened, especially with cell phones, and teachers often get the blame although most of it is completely unjustified.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would still put this album up against any other when you compare it in terms of greatness. Have listened to Dark Side of the Moon too many times to count.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Then I would like to live in Montana. I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And, I will drive a pickup truck or, perhaps even, a recreational vehicle. And I will drive from state to state - do they let you do that?"

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Mr. Ryan, would you characterize this as a first strike weapon?" "That is a possibility, Sir. It is designed to approach by stealth and shower its targets with multiple independent warheads with little or no warning before impact." "Goddamned thing is made to start a war."

Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think Pink Floyd had the best explanation:

All that you touch/ All that you see/ All that you taste/ All you feel/ All that you love/ All that you hate/ All you distrust/ All you save/ All that you give/ All that you deal/ All that you buy/ Beg, borrow or steal/ All you create/ All you destroy/ All that you do/ All that you say/ All that you eat/ Everyone you meet/ All that you slight/ Everyone you fight/ All that is now/ All that is gone/ All that's to come/ And everything under the sun is in tune/ But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

To the deeper meaning here, there are way too many people in the world who have no way of reacting to worldwide events other than to react and riot in the name of self-preservation. Crazy times make people do unfathomable things because of hate, fear and ignorance.

Vindicator63 9 points ago +9 / -0

No surprise there. I have been teaching for 28 years after working in private industry and being in the Navy. So far, math and special education remain relatively unscathed, but more and more parents are either pulling their kids out for home school or finding online alternatives. It will only get worse, maybe even to a point where brick-and-mortar schools disappear forever.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to work in youth corrections, and juveniles, once they were getting toward the end of their sentences, would deliberately commit an offense just to stay in for that very reason. Out on the streets, warm beds and food are not certainties, especially today - except if you enter this country illegally, then you're okay.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

It did a hell of a job fucking things up, that's for sure. My wife and I never took the shot but know people who did - and we don't really associate with them anymore. We're somewhat alone, living out our golden years together, and if this whole entire thing has taught us anything, it is that you really have to look inside yourself and determine your priorities, what makes you happy and what keeps you sane. I like that term "40,000 foot view" because once you get used to seeing things through that prism, a lot of stuff makes more sense.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question. I have no idea who they may be, but I was thinking maybe archangels? Worth a shot. These images do have heavy religious references.

Vindicator63 7 points ago +7 / -0

They started posting these secret windows a while ago. Apparently, there's some feeling that these messages portend the future of money. The main implication is that the current monetary system is set to collapse and it will be replaced by a new system backed by precious metals.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it has a deeper meaning than that, but you're entitled to your opinion. Besides, some studies show that a couple of cups of coffee a day is good for your heart - but I'm sure there are other studies to refute that. As far as the meme being liberal, well, I don't know about that one.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go Nordiques! [I know, they're not there anymore, but they were cool].

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks, needed a laugh. Been feeling sad for a while now, and these always help.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think a lot of people right now aren't willing to say how they feel. You can't blame them. The right to vote is one of the sacred principles that this country was built upon. Whenever someone asked me who I voted for, I remind them that it is really none of their business - although in this room, I'll gladly say I voted for President Trump in 2016, in 2020, and if there is an election, will vote for him again in 2024. I don't give a flying fuck if people think I am in some MAGA cult or whatever, I really don't. I haven't ever met one person who voted for Biden. He is a sick, pathological pedophile with serious cognitive and other mental issues, and is a liar over and over.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

For some reason, I'm still not on board with these types of stories. If this board taught me anything, it is to be skeptical. I think talk is cheap and come voting day people will vote what they're used to. I can only hope I am dead wrong. We have been hearing now for quite a while that Biden is losing the black vote, etc. but until we really see tangible results, enough for them to really influence an election, then I think it is still all wishful thinking.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just noticed his post about being on the Nimitz. I was on the Ike too, back in the '80s. Small world, eh?

Vindicator63 3 points ago +4 / -1

First thing I thought of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, was "watch the water." The shipping trade through this port is going to suffer for some time.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lots of pleasant memories, working in the garage, relaxing afterward, listening to things like the Prairie Home Companion on Saturday evenings. I had forgotten how to escape, but doing this is a good outlet. Got some planter boxes to build, work on the yard around the property, things like that. Life was simpler back then, hoping to get back to that now.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spent this Saturday working on the car in my garage. Doing AC work. Needed a break from all the crap going on in the world. Amazing how concentrating on that can put your mind at ease.

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