Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's likely the best explanation for this whole mess. Makes perfect sense. Their hatred for Trump is palpable. So, with that in mind, it goes like this: support Trump, you get punished. Trump is the guy who is onto us, he is a threat, therefore we counter the threat by supporting those who either stand up to or don't mention Trump by pushing our own candidates loyal to Ryan, McConnell and all the RINOs.

Those crafty motherfuckers. They're trying to get us to defect. They hate Trump because "he saw what they did and knows who they are" but he is just one man. He created an army of followers who want to put an end to swampies and sick, demonic child sacrificers and traffickers. Fine. When I go home tonight and look at my Trump flag flying proudly on my flagpole, it will have new meaning.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMO, some people will begin to take the easy way out. I never, ever thought I would live long enough to say something like that, although I have been to the dark side a few times and have even thought about it myself. Man, I have never seen this strong of a division in this country, and I'm 60. All yesterday did was push shit farther into the wound.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

Opinions are just that, opinions. Cheaters don't give a flip about opinions.

Vindicator63 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's some pretty infectious optimism. I hope you're right.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately now the country is more divided as ever. I fear what is going to happen now is that the MSM and democrat cronies are going to do everything in their power [as if they haven't already] to shut down the questioning of elections and brand anyone who does as an insurrectionist, spoiled sport, perpetual denier or sore loser. I'm not really as angry as I thought I was going to be this Wednesday morning. I am actually saddened and trying to find solace wherever I can get it. If the House flips, that's a good thing, but even if the Senate flips you still have an impostor as president. Emboldened democrats will seek every imaginable opportunity to rub our noses in it.

John Michael Chambers from America Media Periscope has this thing he says, and I hope this rings true in the end, because right now it is the only thing I am going to be replaying in my head: "We're in a wartime command structure, and what we don't know, we don't know. If it's not okay, we're not finished. Hold the line, Patriots."

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would be surprised if Lake lost. I'm only hoping that the totals we are seeing now are the early ones, and that the Republicans come out in force in person.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zeldin is getting wiped in NY, from what I can see. Unbelievable. New Yorkers love the establishment. Good, they can have it.

Vindicator63 17 points ago +17 / -0

Classy move, putting off the announcement until next week. The MSM is going to crap themselves all week beginning tomorrow. Sweet.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

I noticed that when he mentioned about winning in 2016 and 2020, he did not follow with "I may have to do it again." I wonder of that is coming later, after he does his usual introductions of politicians.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was looking for something too. Like NOTWOKE said, Ohio was the 17th state admitted to the Union. There's that number 17 again.

Vindicator63 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just tried it. Red message says the server is down. That is the first time that has happened. Something's up.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

New Q post and Trump is going to speak. I have a feeling tonight is, to say the least, going to be one to remember.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. I have it on Trilight, but it's not on their program guide.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are Newsmax and / or OANN going to carry it?

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jason Whitlock had the most hilarious take on that whole episode. Paraphrasing here, he said that he felt bad for Pelosi because she spent a lot of money on a couple of cans only to find out that Paul was playing hide the hammer with a BLM fruitcake living in a van 🤣🤣

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

His smug face is one thing that will be remembered when he is tried, convicted and executed.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump took an enormous amount of heat for that comment, but he may have been spot on. There's a lot about DeSantis we don't know. If anyone is aware of having their lives completely and totally uncovered, it's Trump. There is a lot of support for DeSantis on this board, and that's fine, you're entitled to support whomever you wish. However, to excoriate Trump for that is short-sided. There is a reason for everything he says, whenever he says it. DeSantis is supported by Ryan and McConnell. There's a big red flag right there. Consider that they may be leveraging DeSantis to split the Republican party and cause dissension among the ranks. If people keep pouring on Trump because of one thing he said, that's exactly what will happen. It would be wise not to fall for crap like that, in my opinion.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

What got me is that he mentioned the Ohio rally tomorrow in a way that would indicate that he was going to make an important announcement. My only question is: what would be the benefit of announcing a run the night before the election? He either knows something [which he likely does] or he is a freaking time traveler and he already knows Tuesday's result beforehand. That, and for whatever reason, people are mentioning the significance of a Blood Moon Tuesday. Cue the Twilight Zone music, because this is getting surreal.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw that ad with DeSantis and the "God Sends a Fighter" theme. IMO that was pretty risky. You start presuming to speak for God and God's intentions, you're going to get blowback. Although some people may not come out and admit it, they are asking "who the hell do you think you are?" I'm sure there were a fair amount of "how dare yous" out there as well. Trump may have just been poking fun at him but look at it this way: Trump knows. He knows. He knows about Rove, Ryan and McConnell supporting this guy. It would be one thing to see DeSantis as a truly genuine guy fighting the good fight, but it's still early. There's just something about DeSantis that gets me, sort of the feeling you get when you sit back and say "wait a minute....."

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

These keep getting better and better. Thanks UF.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

This doesn't come as a big surprise, really. It's Florida. Now, of you had a blue state up there, that would be something.

Vindicator63 7 points ago +7 / -0

Interesting you brought that up. The only two movies I ever saw in theaters where at the end the audience stood up and applauded were American Sniper and Memphis Belle. Now, make that three when the credits on this sucker roll.

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