Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went ahead and created an account just for the hell of it. Interesting platform. Going to lay low and see what happens.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get the feeling something big is up. Yeah, that's a general comment, but after this whole business with the possibility that Pelosi's husband was in the middle of a lover's quarrel, anything goes. I have been feeling weird this past week, so I try and channel that energy into hitting the heavy bag in the garage, enjoying a glass of Bullett Whiskey every night, and listening to a lot of music.

We are either at the edge of the precipice or this has been one big ass psyop. Only time will tell.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

For some reason, the one that gets me every time is Shenandoah, especially when it is sung by the Naval Academy Choir. One of the most beautiful melodies ever written, in my opinion.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good post, but I actually prefer Moving in Stereo and watching Phoebe Cates exiting the pool. Just saying.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is it just me, or is the energy level this month substantially increasing day by day? The first round of debates are done and by all indications the Republican candidates wiped the floor with their opponents, Elon just took over Twatter, Schumer was caught on a hot mic, Cheney endorsed a Democrat, and President Trump enjoyed his latest round of golf and trolled Josephine in the process. Damn, I was wondering why the whiskey tasted so good tonight.

Vindicator63 12 points ago +12 / -0

"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold. It is very cold...in space" - Khan, from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember being smacked on my left hand by Sister Marguerite when I was in school. She told me that left-handed children were the spawn of the devil. It hurt so bad I actually had to learn to write with my right hand. Many years later, I am still writing, but I have been told my writing is so neat it looks as if it was done on a computer. I'm thinking "well yeah, I don't want S.M. to come back from the dead and hit me with the yardstick again", lol.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man, now I've got Pink Floyd stuck in my head 😎

Vindicator63 11 points ago +11 / -0

No shit? It's her birthday today? Well la-dee-da. Well, I have a birthday joke for you:

A guy is walking along the beach and he stumbles upon Aladdin's lamp. He knows the drill, so he picks it up and rubs it. The genie pops out and says "look, pal, I've been doing this shit for a thousand years and I'm gonna retire. You get one wish, that's it." So the guy ponders for a moment and says "Hey, that's cool, I'll take it!" The genie says "Okay, shoot." So the guy says "I want to wake up tomorrow next to three celebrity women." Poof! The next thing he knows, it's tomorrow and he wakes up and is lying next to Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding, and Hillary Clinton. And, his penis is missing, his knee is throbbing, and Hillary asks him "What difference would it make if you had any health care coverage?"


by BQnita
Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will never forget first seeing The Poseidon Adventure when I was younger - Leslie Nielsen sees the wave off the port bow, lowers his binoculars and says "Oh My God." The it hits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kKCbDw7lR4

Vindicator63 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's not surprising that this is the new narrative, but what is confounding is that people will fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard something way back in high school, and I think it came from my lovable old bat of an English teacher, but it still sticks with me today:

"God is the absence of His own reflection."

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good point. It seems like a red wave is coming, but what happens during the time between the newbies being sworn in? I will be cautiously optimistic, but something unnerves me about that two-month period.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh. Just got finished listening to Juan O. Savin and Nino Rodriguez. I like Nino, because he is a colorful ex-boxer [I am too] and he can be genuinely funny, but I am beginning to question him having this Savin / Wayne Willot character on a lot. JOS needs to get to the friggin point and cut the long-winded crap.

Just venting here, I know there are some on this board that like and perhaps respect the guy, and my approach is to analyze his information in order to form concise opinions with strong foundations, but man, enough is enough with this stringing people along bullshit.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll tell you what, my uneasiness is growing every time I listen to this guy. The most recent was when he was talking to Nino Rodriguez, and Nino asked him three times about Trump being arrested, and he kept ducking him. His response was that some people would not survive [that was the implication] when this "drastic" news comes out. I don't buy this "I can't tell you because of NDA's and all that...." or "I just can't reveal it just yet."

Come on. I admit I am just as hungry for information and if it weren't for my job and taking care of our property I would go out of my fucking mind, but this guy comes across as a grifter extreme, and he is stringing people along with his ummms and uuuuhs and long-winded answers that don't really say shit. There are a lot, I mean a LOT, of reasons to be angry - stolen election, MSM ignorance, graft and corruption at the highest levels, generally stupid fucking people that bought into the mask/covid bullshit, but this guy ought to be brought out into the open as a fraud. I glean information from a lot of sources, some from people deemed fraudulent or at least questionable on this board, and I use that to formulate opinions and viewpoints, but this "gee, look at my boots while I take a break from traveling around the country with my expensive cars" shit is about as big a crock as you can get.

Vindicator63 6 points ago +6 / -0

As usual, you nailed it, Fester. Great end to the week. Thanks.

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have to admit it was rather interesting to go through and read each and every comment on this post. Some fascinating viewpoints from either side, either hopium or doomium. From what I can gather, the general consensus is to be prepared regardless of what happens. Here's the interesting part: I step back in time to when I was many years younger and I remember what I thought about and how I thought about it back then, and how that has changed now. What a strange journey it has been, getting from there to here. Some things being said here I would have laughed at back then, but not now. Instead of going after everyone like I was the inspiration for Nazareth's Hair of the Dog ["now you're messing with....a son of a bitch"] I sit on the back deck, drink in hand, staring off into the distance like I'm the inspiration for the Eagles' After the Thrill Has Gone ["Time passes and you must move on, half the distance takes you twice as long..."]

Regardless of what happens, thanks to all. I guess you could say I have become wiser, and I attribute that to this board. I really don't give a shit about a lot of stuff anymore, but I have realized what I've got is good. Wife, dogs, ammo, food, generator, all the necessities, but it won't matter if 1) I can't share it with someone and 2) I can't identify my country as the US anymore. At that point what it is going to come down to is that I die fighting or I check out. One way or another, it's been one fucking hell of a ride.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

One thing's for sure, when I was reading this I was reminded of how much fun I had putting together jigsaw puzzles. Interesting thing, I know conventional wisdom says one should construct the border first and then work on filling in the inside. Well, I am autistic [high-functioning] and although I agree with that approach, it is not one I used on a regular basis. After flipping all the pieces over, I would separate by colors and parts of the picture on the pieces and really didn't care about the border. Sure, if I found a corner piece I would set it aside, but most of the time I would "build parts of the picture." For whatever reason, the puzzle eventually would be complete regardless of the method used. This post is a great analogy for Q. I have perused all of the posts, albeit not all at once, and used them to build a bigger picture. What this has also done is caused me to refrain from knee-jerk reactions to events, i.e. don't become elated but don't become deflated until multiple viewpoints are exposed, allowing me to formulate a stronger position when I go to make a point.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this guy ever shows his face in Tennessee, he's going to get punched, hard. This punk is playing the US like an old fiddle you found in the attic.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is as good an explanation as any I have heard.

I begin to wonder if anyone here has any real understanding or are we all just trying to jog along with one another till something finally breaks, all the while the DS just keeps winning!

It does appear that way, doesn't it? In an atmosphere like that, tension builds, everyone waits, and in the States, we await the midterms with bated breath. One thing is for sure, the tension is palpable, and all I hope for is that no one on our side does anything stupid to cause blowback.

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