Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

EDIT: Forgive me, it has already been posted. Don't mean to clog the board with reposts. πŸ˜’

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

For some reason, if I were to pick a favorite Queen song, it would be Killer Queen. You don't hear that played very often on classic rock stations, but it's got a catchy beat.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sensing a little Bachmann-Turner Overdrive vibe here 😎

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never thought too much about aliens until I watched The Thing [1982]. Now, I think about them all the time. That was / is one of the best science fiction movies of all time, although I don't really think it's fiction at all. Kudos to John Carpenter, that dude's a genius.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I want to clear out my sinuses, I put on Dragon Attack from The Game. Brian May can blast that guitar with the best of them, even though I don't consider myself a huge Queen fan.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you want to see how extreme, how far, and how desperate the left is, take a visit to the Fox and Yahoo comment boards to get a measure of how TDS is a full-blown disease. These bots are something else. One thing I have to give credit for is the incredible patience I see in people not responding to this inflammatory shit. It's bad enough we have to deal with a sick, demented, loathsome, creepy and decrepit old pedophile in the White House, with his stupid minions, from the mainstream media to most government employees, hanging on his every word and slobbering the entire time. It really turns my stomach whenever I see a picture of him. Domine Jesu Christe, what the hell is it going to take to right this ship of state? That's a rhetorical question, btw.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Intriguing. The one thing I have noticed is that more and more, things are being brought out and thrown into the public arena - trans rights, abortion, gun incidents, rampant persecution of Trump, the vax, disintegration of foreign policy...the list goes on, and the country is becoming more and more divided in a way I have not ever seen in my lifetime. It's almost as if you let a pile of leaves and dry brush sit too long and there hasn't been any rain - one little spark, one flicked cigarette, one little ember is going to set the thing ablaze. The one thing that keeps creeping back in my head is the mantra "you can't just tell them, you have to show them."

The Devolution Series did it for me. Maybe other things will convince people, but it really doesn't matter as long as they wake up and see. It pains me to see all the suffering, vitriol, pain and anger, because I have seen the other side too - the beauty and pride that comes with being an American. More and more I understand when someone says "it had to be this way." I don't like that any more than anyone else does, but I do understand it.

Vindicator63 7 points ago +7 / -0

It takes about 15 minutes to get to work, and since it is usually early and there isn't a lot of traffic, I put some music on and can get through about three or four songs before the end of the drive. I figure a good way to check on the boards before work starts is to post here when I can and throw some tunes out there for one's listening pleasure. It's a good way to take a break from the madness. Today was pretty good - got in The Pretender [Jackson Browne], Wishing You Were Here [Chicago] and Year of the Cat [Al Stewart]. Oldies but goodies. Man, I wish I could play the keyboard like old Al Stewart. He didn't have too many hits but he could jam.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whether it is legal or not, speech of this type gets more and more people talking, asking questions, observing the world around them, and going more and more down What If Lane. Works for me.

by PepeSee
Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm just as guilty as the next guy of straying off topic, but I am wondering if this discussion is the best use of resources when it comes to this board. I have gleaned a LOT of information about the Great Awakening and have even made it a point to visit this board daily, to the point where I consider this the top place to gather information. I am not dismissing the importance of such conversation, just the appropriateness of it on this board.

Vindicator63 0 points ago +2 / -2

History is littered with examples of homosexuality, but leave it to people living in the 21st century to interpret that through a 21st century lens, which is not practical. Just because Tchaikovsky was a homosexual doesn't mean I'm going to stop listening to his music - it is some of the most powerful, beautiful music ever written. Just because Oscar Wilde had certain daillances and an affair with another man, to the point of near ruin, doesn't mean I am going to stop reading him because he wrote some great stuff. Greek and Roman mythology is full of this stuff...so? It's [mythology] fun and fascinating to learn about. Those are just three examples, I'm sure there are many more. To separate the "art from the artist" is probably the best course of action here. No human of any race, ethnicity or creed has the right or any sound basis to judge any other human - but when you cross a line and start shoving it at other people who may not agree with you, that's where you're going to have a problem. Scientifically, we are all equal, and if we all are standing in an open field during a severe thunderstorm there is a very high likelihood someone is going to get fried by lightning regardless of their personal, social or religious proclivities, skin color, or gender. Something to think about.

by PepeSee
Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you've made your point.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember those commercials for Raid bug spray where they would shout that at the end. RAID! lol

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

Listening to an oldie but a goodie coming into work this morning - Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider. I am noticing that when I listen to these old songs there's a lot of hidden meaning I had not noticed before, and I have been listening to all types of music for years. On the Border by the Eagles is another great one, as is the Who's Won't Get Fooled Again.

Vindicator63 8 points ago +8 / -0

Man, Diana Rigg was hot back in the day. The Black Sabbath / Black Coffee one is good too :)

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Way off topic, but I'll tell you what, the How The Universe Works is a pretty good show. Granted, the commercials are annoying, but Mike Rowe keeps it interesting with his narration and I am learning new things even after studying astrophysics and astronomy for over 50 years. It transcends any discussion of religion when you're exploring the size of the universe and its majesty, and all the theoretical physics and mathematics involved. It almost makes the problems we face today here on earth insignificant at best.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +4 / -1

Damn. I was going to put "She sells seashells by the seashore." That doesn't fit. Rubber baby buggy bumpers doesn't fit either. Shit.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm getting a contact high just looking at this.

Vindicator63 4 points ago +4 / -0

Since it is National Dog Day, I just wanted to lend my two cents: I think dogs are a physical manifestation of God's grace. It has been said that when God made all animals, he didn't make the dog because he already had one.

There is a story about how when the world was created, the Great Spirit spread a giant tapestry across the void, and on that tapestry he placed all things living - man, woman and all animals. He took his finger and drew a line down the middle of the tapestry, and the creatures began to move to either side of the line depending upon whether they were human or animal. A great chasm began to form, as if to separate the two groups, and it grew wider and wider. At the point right before the chasm became too wide to cross, Dog jumped over and stood by Man.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks Chief. Will do. Fair winds and following seas.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was in high school, I had a Shepherd mix named Big Dog. He had been abused and broke his chain and ran away, and one day followed me home and that was that. He never left my side. I had him trained to where all I had to do was point my finger at something and he would be on it.

So, one day when I came home from school he was laying at the front door. He wagged his tail when he looked up at me but struggled to stand, and I knew then what I had feared all along, that hip dysplasia had caught up to him. He was old and had been graying for a while, and I looked right at him and he told me through his eyes that it was time to move on. I was a chunky, geeky high school boy with few friends, and now Big Dog was leaving. I don't think I have ever felt as down as I did that day, like a horse had kicked me in the chest. Anyway, it was too late to get to the vet, so it would have to be the next day. That night, Big Dog laid across my bed, a graceful warrior reduced to infirmity, but stalwart nonetheless. I had to say goodbye, so I read a story to him - The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. The little swallow in that story had originally planned to travel to Egypt to be with his friends, but after stripping the statue prince of all his gold leaves, the jewel in his sword, and the gems in his eyes [for the statued prince, who towered over his town, had seen all the poverty and depravity and had commanded to bird to take his jeweled ornamentation and give it piece by piece to the townsfolk], he could not leave the prince ["You would be quite blind, then, so I shall be your eyes"], and so he stayed through the winter and ended up succumbing to the cold. When the shabby statue was melted down [it no longer looked majestic because all of its splendor was gone], the only thing that did not melt was the prince's heart, so it was thrown on the scrap heap along with the little swallow's body. God, who had been watching the entire thing, commanded his angels to scoop up the bird and the heart of the prince, and they brought them back to Heaven where the prince and bird were resurrected, and he could listen to the little swallow singing sweetly for eternity.

I hope to see Big Dog again. We can take walks down by the river, and he will forever be by my side.

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