Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Notice the skip in “going to kill us all” during Trumps presidency?

Vkp23 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought tampering with mail was a federal crime. How did they know to look what was in the package without tampering?

Vkp23 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah but if you present the facts to them they call you a nazi soooo…..🤷🏻‍♀️

by PepeSee
Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Being a drunkard is dif than getting drunk. Also, drunk can be a matter of perspective. 🤷🏻‍♀️

As far as anal sex between husband and wife…I actually wondered about the same kind of thing myself. I grew up in a home that had a very unhealthy view of sex. I went in search of answers. The Bible says a lot about sex believe it or not. The Song of Solomon is a great example. The entire thing is about sex between a husband and wife and it didn’t mean a picnic in the woods when it said “he Feeds among the lillies.” From what I understand in my searches, sex being good was a gift from God to the husband and wife. God wanted us to enjoy each other (husband and wife) so we would be close and become one. It’s SUPPOSE to be about more than just procreation. When it boiled down to it, if a husband and wife enjoy a little anal and it adds to their closeness and enjoyment of each other, it’s all good. Sodomy in the sinful sense, is where a man has anal sex with another man. As long as it’s not involving bringing other people into it then it’s fine. That’s the way I understand it anyway.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had the same thought when I saw him bring out a drench. Like yeah, you’re not suppose to eat that. I use injectable ivermectin on my goats. It’s the only thing I’ve found to work on them. I have some horse paste for the humans. 😂

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact those two aren’t in custody right now on,y says to me that literally nothing will be done to any of these jokers and we are gonna still have 3.5 more years of utter and complete destruction of our country. I have zero faith in any of this anymore and all I have left of all of this is entertainment. A place for me to live in a fantasy world. I hate sounding like a doomer. I really do…but it just feels like they will actually do something after we all die and the country it completely screwed.

Vkp23 3 points ago +5 / -2

I hate to sound like a doomer but, they haven’t done anything with the mountains of evidence they already have. This isn’t going to change anything. 😞 sorry I’m just at the point I’m hanging by only a tiny thread of hope. I just keep praying.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. I wouldn’t be able to live in California if you paid me. Lol. Nah this is in north east GA near UGA. Oh and, we did NOT vote for Biden. There was totally cheating here. 😒

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found some of a different brand at my local Mary’s tack and feed.

Vkp23 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that sounds like a nice idea, but how does that justify the people who are being killed over there? Why are Americans and Afghans being killed if it was suppose to be a good thing the Taliban took over? Also, if it’s the fringes doing it and they aren’t suppose to, why isn’t the Taliban powers that be stopping it and letting Americans go?

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see what you’re saying. And I agree. Yeah for the most part people are fine (at least for know that we know. Who knows what’s gonna happen down the line). But I get folks are tending to take some things as all or nothing when it isn’t the whole case. Like if you counted miscarriage as a death the death rate would be even higher. The problem is, they KNOW it isn’t safe enough for wide spread use but they are doing it anyway. Idk if they are trying to kill people or if it is all part of the ploy to further the covid scare. Either way, yes, the vaxx is killing folks directly or indirectly at way higher rates than is acceptable, but no, not as much as some people try to say. I think your delivery might be off is all.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, I agree that most people who have gotten it have been fine. (So far) But we don’t know the long term effects. This study doesn’t tell how effective it is either. My son has a heart defect and the vaxx would almost certainly kill him due to heart swelling in children being a known side effect. How many other people who are out there like me who don’t get the vaxx vpbecause they know if other underlying conditions? The poke would have def killed those people and easily increased the numbers.

Also there are a lot of reasons for death in that study that could possibly be linked directly to a death caused by vaxx. Like sepsis. And one last thing, the old tried and true vaccines that have been around for years have extremely low adverse reaction rates and even lower death rates. We are talking one in a hundreds of thousands type numbers. The adverse reaction rates for the covid vaxx are unacceptably higher than the basics, that have been around for decades, we get as kids. The FDA normally wouldn’t approve such numbers unless someone was getting kick backs.

Vkp23 2 points ago +2 / -0

So here’s my thing. Why trust numbers solidly on one study when we know for a fact that our government is very liberal (as dr birx put it) on what we label one death to another? Example: the story of the guy who died in a motorcycle accident and was listed as a covid death because he tested positive after he died. It’s the difference between dying WITH covid or dying FROM covid. The same/opposite can be then reasonably assumed to be true when it comes to the vaxx. Also, why are we trusting one single study? Most people with half a brain know that you can’t go by one singular study. For example, there is a study out there that shows among pregnant women 20 weeks and below have an 82% miscarriage rage due to clotting in the placenta. wouldn’t it be considered dangerous, at least for pregnant women, considering that? Why wasn’t that listed in this study? It’s still a death possibly linked to the vaxx.

Vkp23 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, why don’t they just make online public school a more wide spread and a known thing so those who are pissing their pants can keep their damn kids home and leave mine the hell alone.

Vkp23 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t personal,y think it has anything to do with any contracts. I think it’s more to do with the fact that not all trump supporters are against the vaxx. Some still believe in the vaxx. They, I believe, are another group, this time on our side, who need to be shown. When trump comes back he can demand that truth about the vaxx be exposed.

Vkp23 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ooooohhhhh. I get it now! Thanks!

Vkp23 21 points ago +22 / -1

From his behavior on it, it looks to me to be only a matter of having to keep up appearances. He said it in a way as if he didn’t give a shit about the vaccine itself, just like he HAD to say it.

Vkp23 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is the significance of 17? I remember hearing it but forget what it’s suppose to mean. Thank you.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

So thankful that all I have to worry about is the fact that for some reason the middle school teachers seem to think that if my daughter sits next to her boyfriend they are some how gonna do the deed. (She has anxiety pretty bad and she’s kind of attached to him, and no, I know for a fact they aren’t doing it. The most they have done is hug and they’ve never been left alone, plus they are both good kids, but I digress) they’ve done away with masks, plastic dividers etc.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be pretty cool. Who would raise them though? 🤔 it’s a really neat concept though.

Vkp23 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, there really ain’t no. I like to try and believe people are generally good, but there is so much evil in this world, not much would surprise me. It would be pretty amazing though to be able to save babies. Maybe even avoid abortion by early delivery. Idk, I just hope this would be used for good and that their intention are innocent.

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