Will they actually do it though?
We haven't had a federal mandate yet, our employers are the ones forcing us.
It wont accept my zip code.
wtf is a health ranger
They got the HIV 19
I got banned from Twitter a while ago and gave up on it. What do you see?
the American revolution was planned in restaurants and bars
Well good luck everyone, Im still not getting vaxxed. We have our prophylactics and supplements. Everyone take a minute to drink a big glass of clean cool water n hydrate that ass.
Tried it just to test, horse wasnt sick but 4 clicks on the Durvet syringe didnt kill it.
Add it to the list
Q implied that we should sit back and eat popcorn. That is now obviously retarded, and is why people are getting demoralized. Enjoy the show my ass, we're losing our jobs and my whole damn family is jabbed with the clot shot. We have to do our part either way but when General Flynn comes out with his crap the other day its not a hopeful feeling. We will survive and win or die trying. God Bless America 🇺🇲
I think Galactic Fed glows bright. New Age cult, overlaps w great awakening idea.
Maybe its time to RISE https://youtu.be/ubwPeQmjdb0
Its not a "fake" virus its a bioweapon. They've been completely lying about the numbers, I don't think it's been worse than a cold/flu, but I believe the vaccines are about to change that, this flu season might see a lot of dead people.
Edit: I really do hope I'm wrong.
Its more the Covid bioweapon and mRNA shots imo. https://m.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=240&width=426&referrer=www.twitter.com&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshurland.g.tv%2Fvideos%2F188426793354533%2F
He would if he had to to save the world.
Because we're in a war, thinking this is all wrapped up in a bow is not a good idea.
Zeena is or was married to Michael Aquino, who was a lieutenant colonel for psychological operations in the United States army. Most likely tied in w MKUltra.
This is pretty fkd up, theyre probably being killed.
Agreed, fren. Good luck to everyone.
You're not alone
That does kind of sound like a German thing to do..
Biden really is a fkn idiot.
Ill have to do testing, those freak me out too.
Simpsons creator was on Epstein's list with Gates they knew each other.