WeirdEnergyTWU -15 points ago +6 / -21

No offense but the last 2 PV videos have been trash. Nothing earth shattering whatsoever. Just 3 people being filmed telling their opinions. Whenever PV hypes up videos and waits days to release them , they always turn out as turds. Anything that is truly earth shattering will be released immediately

WeirdEnergyTWU 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol look at how fat this mofo is. Anyone that takes health advice from fat people, trannies, or any one else that doesn’t even look physically healthy gets what they deserve

WeirdEnergyTWU 6 points ago +7 / -1

Don’t hold your breath on that ever happening. It’s time to stop catering to them, they are 13% of our population. It’s mind boggling and maddening. It’s right in front of their faces and yet they stay on the dem plantation

WeirdEnergyTWU 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is an anchor baby… also a whore, satanist, cum bucket, possible trans, slave owner, negro hater extraordinaire, and LOVES the white dick… did i miss anything?

WeirdEnergyTWU 19 points ago +20 / -1

Because America bends the knee to 13% of the population. Don’t worry, this shit doesn’t happen in the suburbs or in rural America. I try to ignore all of this because I’ve been at my snapping point for well over 4 years regarding how insanely stupid my fellow white Americans are

WeirdEnergyTWU 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not looking to have my ass kissed but I haven’t worn a mask once in this communist state. It probably helps being the size i am but seriously... never kiss the ring, never bend the knee. Fuck these “mandates” which aren’t laws... i lost hope in my 99% of my brothers during this hoax... the only thing that comforted was Q and the post “The end won’t be for everybody” may God bless the souls of those that gave into tyranny and signed their lives away

WeirdEnergyTWU 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hey homie, go to donaldjtrump.com you can share whatever news he uploads there directly as a tweet on twitter... so he can post on his site, MY FELLOW AMERICANS... and then the frogs can directly post it to twitter... GAME FUCKING ON

WeirdEnergyTWU 6 points ago +8 / -2

Bc “Qanon” doesn’t exist. No one has asked either of them who Q is. Q is a million percent real. You can look up Q level clearance and see it for yourself. Anons are real... but there is no Qanon, for Christ sake wake up already

WeirdEnergyTWU 3 points ago +4 / -1

The end of this isn’t going to be for everyone... remember never to cherish anything in the mortal world above God

WeirdEnergyTWU 13 points ago +13 / -0

Pussy asking the question giggling like the beta ballless twerp he is saying Qanon. Qanon. It’s Q ya dickless bird

WeirdEnergyTWU 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lol why do pedes post articles like this? I call this the herd thinning itself. If you’re dumb enough to get the vaccination, then... GETS WHAT DESERVES

WeirdEnergyTWU 6 points ago +6 / -0

Insanely weak attempt to save his assets when the shit hits the fan. Just like bezo’s did. These idiots still haven’t come to terms that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING

WeirdEnergyTWU 14 points ago +14 / -0

So don’t wear one... ever, under any circumstance. And don’t respond to me with “oh but I have to for work”. No you don’t, grow a set. I live in Commievania (Pennsylvania) and told my employer flat out to fire me if he has a problem with me not wearing a mask. Everything in this awakening starts with the individual. Nut up or shut up

by skanon
WeirdEnergyTWU 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol do you need it spelled out for you?

by skanon
WeirdEnergyTWU 7 points ago +8 / -1

Lindsey is Lindsey Graham... yes he’s a homosexual and yes that’s what Linn is threatening this clown with. If you remember, “the squad” mocked Lindsey graham for his sexuality as well. You’re welcome

WeirdEnergyTWU 3 points ago +3 / -0

How many half black children does this obese monster have? “I take care of my kidzzzz”

WeirdEnergyTWU 46 points ago +46 / -0

This is why i couldn’t be president. I would have played that card the very first day of my presidency hahahaha also would have went full scorched earth on the entirety of the deep state, no deals. And i would have aired it all

WeirdEnergyTWU 7 points ago +7 / -0

You can sleep now? I take it you do not exercise your 2A rights do you? Nut up buttercup

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